25 Free Tools to Improve Your Writing in 2020
November 4, 2019

We have all experienced a time in our lives when our teacher, professor or editor has painted our masterpiece with red ink. In some cases, you wonder if they had to get a second pen just to finish the editing process or their version of an abstract piece of art. Before you handed in your work, you were probably on cloud nine and brimming with confidence.
Currently, your work of art looks more like a brutal crime scene that will take hours or in some cases days to clean up. Sadly, it may be best to delete the first draft and start from scratch. That being said, there’s no time to feel sorry for yourself about your writing. Even authors like Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain and J.K. Rowling had their off days, so there’s no reason that you should feel deflated.
Instead, you should go back to the drawing board and start writing again! This is an opportunity for you to flex your writing muscles and prove to yourself that you’re writing is much better than your first draft. That first draft, be it an essay, proposal or your first novel, serves as a stepping stone to your future success.
Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you can say the same thing about writing. If you’re still in need of inspiration and guidance for your next draft, look no further.
These writing tools will help you to summon the writer you know you can be and eliminate that nauseating feeling the next time your hard work is being edited. So before you put your pen to paper or let your fingers fly across the keyboard, it may be in your best interest to refresh yourself with these 25 writing tools.

The next time you lack confidence in your writing abilities, don’t worry. Use this guide as a refresher to fine-tune your writing skills and decrease the number of edits on your next paper or proposal.
Show your teacher, professor or editor how much your writing has improved. You never know, they may come to you for writing advice. To get the best writing experience, be sure to check out these Grammarly coupons as well.
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