12 Paw-Fect Side Hustles for Pet Lovers
July 15, 2019

Do you have a passion for pets and a strong desire to work with animals? If so, you should consider starting your own pet side hustle. Many pet-related occupations, from dog walking to cat grooming, are flexible enough that you can spend quality time with the animals you love without sacrificing your day job. What’s more, running your own pet business can make you extra money on the side.
Given that 68% of American households own a pet, there’s no shortage of jobs available, so there’s a good chance you can find something that suits your preferences and needs. But how do you choose a pet business — and what sort of options are out there? To start, narrow down your choices based on the types of animals you prefer working with. Then, research what the greatest needs are in your area.
The time commitment varies, so be sure to consider how many hours you can spare when deciding which side hustle is right for you. Training is another variable — while not all of the side hustles require a formal education, you can often get certifications to legitimize your services. Consider what’s best for your lifestyle, and then get to work with your favorite furry friends!
To get you started on your journey to becoming a pet-preneur, we’ve highlighted 12 paw-fect side hustles for pet lovers in the infographic below!

If you’re an animal fanatic, you owe it to yourself to work with them. Whether you’re walking your neighbor’s dogs in the evenings or spending hours on your weekend at the local shelter, interacting with animals can reduce your stress and bring you more happiness throughout your workweek.
If you’re serious about starting your own pet business, then be sure to check out these Entirely Pets store coupons to save on your startup costs. You won’t regret it!
Sources: Chron 1, 2, 3| Indeed 1,2| The Penny Hoarder |The Balance|Study.com | Millennial Money | Payscale 1, 2 | BizFluent |