This Chrome trick saves you money for free

We compiled nearly every online shopping trick into one tool. And it saves you money effortlessly.


You might as well be throwing money away if you’re not using Capital One Shopping. Price comparisons. Coupons. Credits. This Chrome extension knows almost every trick in the frugal bible and will automatically try them for you (and the 1,500,000+ people currently using it).

Here’s how it works:


Shop on Target, Walmart, Groupon or any other major retailer? When you checkout, Capital One Shopping will instantly find and try working coupon codes.


Shop on Amazon? Capital One Shopping automatically checks other sellers for a better price, including sales tax and shipping. A notification will pop up in seconds if a better offer is found.

We also have a cash back program. Get Capital One Shopping Credits when you make purchases from stores like Walmart, Neiman Marcus and Macy’s. Use those credits later on any of the thousands of products available through Capital One Shopping. Free money. One click.


Don’t overpay. Don’t waste time on broken coupon codes.

Do get free money. Do try Capital One Shopping HERE.