Highlights. In 2022, 91% of all Americans used at least one coupon; 177.9 million U.S. adults redeemed digital coupons.

  • 86% of online shoppers are more likely to try a new business due to a coupon; 39% are much more likely.
  • 38% of American consumers buy more than they intended when they have a coupon; 67% will make an unplanned purchase because of a coupon.
  • The global mobile coupon market was valued at $509.7 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach $1.6 trillion by 2030. 
  • Only 0.85% of all coupons issued in 2023 were redeemed.
  • 176 billion coupons were distributed in the U.S. in 2021.

Bar Graph: Number of U.S. Adults Who Use Digital Coupons from 2015 (119.8 million) to 2022 (177.9 millioin) according to Statista

U.S. Digital Coupon User Statistics

The number of digital coupon users in the U.S. is steadily growing. Digital coupons include downloadable coupons, mobile coupons, coupon codes, and automatic discounts.

  • 177.9 million American consumers (equivalent to 68.2% of adults) redeemed digital coupons in 2022.
  • In 2021, over 337 million digital coupons were redeemed, up 12.7% from 299 million in 2020.
  • 93% of digital coupon users redeemed coupons with a smartphone, while only 42% used tablets.
  • 94% of consumers say they’re likely to look for coupons or sales whenever they shop online.
  • In 2019, 75% of consumers used digital coupons, while 91% still used paper coupons.
  • Online retailers report that consumers who use coupons spend 37% more than those who don’t.

Grouped Bar Graph: U.S. Coupon Use by Age groups 18 to 34, 35 to 54, and 55+ according to Coupon Science

U.S. Coupon Use Statistics

Many American consumers report being swayed to buy more or try new products when offered a coupon. Digital coupons make this kind of spending quicker and easier.

  • 17% of Americans claim their shopping behavior is unaffected by coupons.
  • 39% of Americans would buy a new brand because of a coupon; the same number would buy sooner than they usually would have due to a coupon.
  • 18% would switch back to a brand they previously bought because of a coupon.
  • 82% of consumers who redeem a digital coupon use it within a week of receiving it, and 30% use it within a day.
  • 48% avoid brands that do not provide any coupons, discounts, or offers.
  • 93% would make repeat purchases at a retailer that offered good discounts.
  • 75% of Americans who abandon their online shopping carts are influenced by cost and lack of coupon discounts.

Bar Graph: Consumer Usage of Coupons by Type including percent off (93%), free shipping (90%), buy 1-get 1 (65%) and free gift (46%) according to Capterra

Mobile Coupon Market Statistics

The market value of mobile coupons and mobile coupon apps is expected to grow significantly in the next few years.

  • The global mobile coupon market was valued at $509.7 billion in 2022.
  • The global mobile coupon market is projected to reach $1.6 trillion by 2030, increasing by a total of 214% at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15%.
  • The U.S. mobile coupon market was valued at $150.8 billion in 2022.
  • By 2030, the Chinese mobile coupon market is expected to reach $242.5 billion at a CAGR of 19.7%.
  • Other major markets such as Canada, Germany, and Japan are expected to expand from 2022 to 2030, at CAGRs of 13.8%, 13%, and 11.8% respectively.
  • 37% of online retailers offer mobile-only coupons through their branded mobile app. 
  • 32% of consumers have used a retail brand’s mobile app to receive coupons. 
  • Fetch is the most downloaded mobile discount app in the U.S. with 10.3 million downloads.
  • Capital One Shopping is the second-most downloaded app with 8.36 million downloads.

Bar Graph: How Consumers Find Coupons according to Statista

U.S. Coupon Redemption Rate Statistics

Coupon redemption and distribution rates have been decreasing both for digital coupons and traditional printed coupons like free-standing inserts (FSIs).

  • 0.85% of coupons issued in 2023 were redeemed by consumers. 
  • Coupon redemption increased 10.4% from 2022 to 2023, the first increase since 2008. 
  • Coupon redemption decreased by 19% in the first half of 2022, from 465 million to 375 million. 
  • Coupon distribution decreased by 17% in the first half of 2022, from 95 billion to 79 billion; only 0.47% of coupons issued in 2022 were redeemed.
  • From 2019 to 2021, coupon distribution decreased by an average of 13.5% annually, while redemption decreased by an average of 14%. 
  • In 2021, 33.3% of coupons redeemed were digital while 24.2% were clipped from traditional printed sources.
  • In 2017, it was predicted that the value of digital coupon redemptions would reach $91 billion by 2022, up 93.6% from $47 billion in 2017.
  • In 2018, it was predicted that QR code coupon redemptions would reach 5.3 billion in 2022, up 308% from 1.3 billion in 2017.

Pie Chart: Most Popular Coupon Types including Digital (33.3% redemption rate), Free-standing insert (24.2% redemption rate), Instant redeemable (15.3% redemption), and other (27.2%) according to Inmar Intelligence

Coupon Source Statistics

The majority of coupons are found online, either on websites or in emails.

  • 47% of consumers find coupons from brand emails, 46% from online searches, and 34% from coupon websites.
  • Over 80% of Americans have signed up for email offers specifically to receive digital coupons and discounts.
  • In 2022, the top 5 U.S. coupon websites received over 181 million visits in total each month; the leader, Slickdeals, received 67 million visits.
  • In 2023, Capital One Shopping was the leading coupon site in the U.S. with 16.9% of desktop visits to coupon sites, followed by Slickdeals with 15.8%.
  • Also in 2023, Rakuten was the leading coupon site globally with 10.4% of desktop visits to coupon sites, followed by Capital One Shopping with 8.2%.
  • 17% of online shoppers use a browser extension for automated digital coupons.

Bar Graph: Most Popular U.S. Coupon Websites by share of visits to all coupon websites including capitaloneshopping.com (16.9%) and slickdeals.net (15.8%) according to Statista

Social Media Coupon Statistics

As younger generations continue to prefer digital coupons, social media platforms are increasingly used for coupon hunting.

  • 76% of consumers find coupons through social media; 51% source them from couponing blogs and social media accounts.
  • Facebook is by far the most popular, with 42% of Americans using the platform to source coupons and 18% using Facebook Groups.
  • Instagram and YouTube follow with 30% and 25% of consumers respectively.
  • 59% of shoppers aged 18 to 25 find coupons through social media; 60% find coupons through online communities.
  • Only 27% of shoppers aged 57 to 75 find coupons through social media, and only 24% through online communities.
  • Just 11% of American consumers are open to receiving grocery coupons through social media.
  • Younger shoppers were more likely to be interested in grocery coupons sourced from social media; 18% of those aged 16 to 24 were interested compared to 4% of those aged 55 to 65.

Bar Graph: U.S. Social Media Platforms Used for Coupons according to Statista

U.S. Coupon Use by Demographic Statistics

Younger consumers increasingly favor digital coupons found either online or on mobile apps.

  • In 2021, paper coupon use by shoppers aged 18 to 34 dropped to 46%, while online coupon use jumped to 48% and mobile coupon use jumped to 33%.
  • 70% of shoppers over 55 still use paper coupons, compared to 63% of those aged 35 to 54 and 46% of those aged 18 to 34.
  • 72% of shoppers over 55 reported that they would shop online more often if it was easier for them to use digital coupons.
  • Shoppers aged 25 to 40 were most likely to try a new brand if offered a coupon at 89%; shoppers over 57 were least likely at 76%.
  • 41% of shoppers aged 25 to 40 frequently use coupon aggregators, compared to 33% of those aged 41 to 56 and 20% of those over 57.
  • 14% of female shoppers always use coupon aggregators when they shop, compared to 8% of male shoppers.
  • 87% of consumers making $20,000 to $39,000 a year, 85% of those making $100,000 to $149,000 a year, and 86% of those making over $200,000 a year use coupons.

Bar Graph: How Age Groups Source Coupons from Social Media including 18 to 25 (59%), 26 to 40 (49%), 41 to 56 (38%) and 57+ years (27%) according to Capterra

U.S. Digital vs. Physical Coupon Use Statistics

Americans increasingly favor digital coupons over traditional printed options such as free-standing inserts (FSIs).

  • In 2023, 67% of consumers used digital coupons while 59% used physical paper coupons.
  • Americans use digital coupons at a 13.6% higher rate than print coupons. 
  • Digital coupon use increased from 63% of consumers in 2019 to 67% in 2021; paper coupon use decreased from 75% of consumers in 2019 to 64% in 2021.
  • 73% of coupons issued in 2023 were FSI coupons, down 18% from 2022.
  • Digital coupons accounted for 16% of coupons issued in 2023, up 167% from 2022. 
  • In 2021, 89.4% of the 176 billion coupons issued were FSI coupons and 5.2% were digital.
  • In 2021, the number of FSI coupons redeemed fell by 23.1% from 299.4 million to 230.2 million.
  • 337.8 million digital coupons were redeemed in 2021, 46.5% more than FSI coupons.
  • 53% of online shoppers who use digital coupons also use physical coupons. 
  • 62% of consumers said they print coupons they find online to use in brick-and-mortar businesses; 56% will visit a brick-and-mortar store after receiving a digital offer.

Group Bar Graph: Number of Coupons Redeemed in the U.S., including digital and free-standing insert, from 2019 (302 million and 408 million, respectively), 2020 (299 million and 299 million), and 2021 (337 million and 230 million) according to Statista

Digital Coupon Savings Statistics

Digital coupons are increasingly common and offer savings that add up over time for consumers who use them regularly.

  • The average American that uses digital coupon codes saves an annual total of $1,465, a yearly savings of 6.4% of the average American household spending.
  • 40% of all online purchases can be matched with a coupon.
  • For purchases made with an online coupon, the average total savings at checkout is $30, or an average discount of 17.2% of the total purchase.
  • The average savings per purchase are highest for travel, at an average savings of $41.05 per purchase, followed by household items at $38.84.
  • The greatest percentage of the total purchase is saved when eating out, at an average discount of 20.3%.
  • In 2021, the average FSI coupon for food was worth $1.61 in savings; the average for non-food FSI coupons was $2.82.
  • In 2022, the value of coupons increased by 3.5% against an inflation rate of 9%.

Bar Graph: Average Yearly Digital Coupon Savings by Category according to Coupon Follow

U.S. Grocery Coupon Statistics

On average, grocery coupons offer the most potential savings of any product type, and American consumers are increasingly using digital grocery coupons.

  • 76% of shoppers use digital grocery coupons, and 75% use coupons to decide what went on their shopping list.
  • 45% of American shoppers prefer to receive grocery coupons through email, making it the most popular method.
  • Digital coupons offer the most savings for groceries, with an average of $316 saved annually, an average of 15.8% off each purchase, and a coupon success rate of 45.9%.
  • 61% of consumers and 80% of shoppers aged 25 to 40 use a grocery or superstore savings app.

Bar Graph: Preferred Ways to Receive Grocery Coupons according to Statista

The following data and insights were compiled by the Capital One Shopping team based on publicly available data.


  1. Statista: Industry Overview
  2. Insider Intelligence, How consumers access digital coupons
  3. RetailMeNot, Deals and Promotional Offers Drive Incremental Purchases Online, Especially Among Millenial Buyers
  4. Coupon Follow, Study Reveals How Coupon Codes Save $1,465 Per Year
  5. Inmar Intelligence
  6. Coupon Science, 2023 Coupon and Promo Code Use Statistics
  7. Capterra, 85% of Online Shoppers Will Exchange Data for Discounts
  8. Vericast, Insights
  9. Market Research, Mobile Coupons
  10. United States Census Bureau, National Population by Characteristics: 2020-2023
  11. AP News, Valassis Data: Coupons and Technology Empower Shoppers
  12. CSA, Survey: Online shoppers search for coupons
  13. Blippr, How Coupon Codes Influence Ecommerce Purchase Decisions
  14. Hawk Incentives, The Recession May Be Over, But Deal-Seeking Isn’t
  15. Juniper Research