Highlights. Back-to-school spending per child decreased 9.68% from 2022 to 2023.

  • Americans spent a total of $135.5 billion for back-to-school and back-to-college shopping in 2023.
  • The average household budgeted $890.07 for back-to-school shopping in 2023.
  • For one child, back-to-school supplies cost $597 (K-12 average).
  • Household back-to-school budgets increased $25.72 or 2.98% year-over-year (YoY).
  • The average household spent $1,366.95 on 2023 back-to-college shopping.

Bar Graph: Back-to-School Household Spending K-12 Average Household Spend from 2018 ($685) to 2022 ($864) according to the National Retail Federation with projections to 2028 ($1,037)

Back-to-School Spending Statistics

Households spend the largest portion of their back-to-school budgets on electronics and computer-related equipment.

  • American families spent a total of $41.5 billion on K-12 back-to-school shopping in 2023.
  • Statistics indicate back-to-school and back-to-college spending combined will total $189.7 billion in 2028.
  • From 2019 to 2023, spending per child increased 15%; after adjusting for inflation, spending per child decreased 3.43%. 
  • Homeschooling parents spend 15% less than the average household on back-to-school shopping.
  • Sustainable shoppers spend 36% more than the average household on back-to-school.
  • 74% of shoppers plan to purchase back-to-school supplies in-store while 56% plan to purchase online. 
  • 41% of shoppers plan to evenly split their back-to-school spending between online and in-store purchases.

Line Graph: Back-to-School Total Spending in billions for K-12, college, and both combined from 2017 to 2022 according to the National Retail Federation and projections to 2028

Back-to-School Inflation Statistics

Most back-to-class (that is, back-to-school and back-to-college combined) shoppers have noticed an increase in prices.

  • 67% of back-to-school and -college consumers report higher prices on back-to-class items. 
  • 39% of shoppers report trimming their budgets in other areas in order to afford higher costs for back-to-class.
  • 45% of K-12 back-to-school shoppers are comparing prices online, 45% are shopping on sale, and 39% are purchasing more generic products. 
  • 38% of back-to-college shoppers are comparing prices online, 37% are shopping on sale, and 33% are purchasing more generic products. 
  • 56% of back-to-class consumers start their shopping by early July.

Jump to Back-to-College Shopping Statistics

Average Back-to-School Budgets
Year Average Budget per Household Average Budget per Child
2023 $890 $597
2022 $864 $661
2021 $849 $612
2020 $789 $529
2019 $697 $519
2018 $685 $510
2017 $688 $501
2016 $674 $488
2015 $630 $434

Back-to-School Budget Statistics

For most K-12 families, back-to-school shopping includes items beyond the standard school supply list, such as shoes and clothes for the upcoming school year.

  • The average household back-to-school budget in 2023 included $257.12 for clothing and accessories.
  • School supply items are the most affordable back-to-school expense at $140.39 per household.
  • Electronics and computer supplies are the greatest back-to-school expense (among the 2-in-3 households that purchase such items) at an average cost of $325.96 per household.
  • Families spend a household average of $166.59 on shoes.
  • From 2018 to 2023, the average household back-to-school budget increased 30% from $684.79.
  • Between 2007 and 2023, the average household back-to-school budget increased 58% from $563.49.
  • 16% of back-to-school shoppers included a bullet-proof backpack in their budget.
  • 38% of back-to-school consumers budget between $101.00 and $250.00.
  • 35% of consumers budget between $250.00 and $500.00 on back-to-school shopping.
  • 13% of consumers budget $100.00 or less on back-to-school.
  • 11% of back-to-school consumers budget over $500.00.

Stacked Bar Graph: K-12 Back-to-School Spending Per Household from 2015 to 2023 according to the National Retail Federation

Back-to-School Shopping Statistics

Most consumers start their K-12 back-to-school shopping between late-July and early-August.

  • 55% of K-12 back-to-school shoppers shop online.
  • 45% of back-to-school shoppers shop at department stores.
  • 45% shop at discount stores.
  • 41% shop at clothing stores.
  • 23% shop at electronics stores, and 21% shop at office supply stores.
  • 15% shop at small and local businesses, and 7% shop at thrift stores and resale shops.
  • Consumers are least likely to shop for back-to-school in catalogs (6%) and drug stores (6%).
  • In 2023, 66% of back-to-school shoppers planned to purchase school or college items on Amazon Prime Day
  • 54% of back-to-school consumers receive their school shopping lists by the end of July. 
  • 28% of consumers begin back-to-school shopping in early August.
  • 10% of consumers don’t begin shopping until after classes begin.
  • 2% of consumers begin shopping in late May. 
  • 32% of shoppers use coupons for back-to-school purchases.

Doughnut Chart: Average K-12 Household Back-to-School Budget according to the National Retail Federation

Back-to-School Consumer Statistics

Most back-to-school K-12 consumer households spend hundreds of dollars on annual back-to-school shopping.

  • 96% of back-to-school K-12 consumers spend a portion of their budgets on school supplies.
  • 95% of back-to-school shoppers spend purchase clothing and accessories and 94% purchase shoes.
  • 69% of back-to-school consumers spend a portion of their budgets on electronics or computer equipment.
  • 60% of consumers visit 2 or 3 stores for most of their back-to-school shopping.
  • 65% of online back-to-school consumers shop from a smartphone.
  • 58% of online back-to-school consumers shop from a desktop or laptop computer.
  • 35% of online back-to-school shoppers use social media to find products and sales.
  • 46% of back-to-school shoppers purchase pre-configured kits.
  • 29% of shoppers look for used or refurbished items for back-to-school.
  • In 2021, consumers in the Western United States spend an average of $959.25 per shopping household on back-to-school.
  • In Southern states, back-to-school shoppers spent an average of $915.11 per household.
  • Northeastern back-to-school shoppers spent $819.27 per household.
  • In the Midwest, back-to-school shoppers spent $679.17 per household.

Line Graph: K-12 Students' Average Back-to-School Spending including spending by teens and pre-teens from 2011 to 2021 according to the National Retail Federation'

Back-to-School Consumers by Age Group

Parents of K-12 students spend the most on K-12 back-to-school items. Other consumers may spend as relatives or friends, or may donate supplies to their local schools.

  • Householders aged 35 to 44 years spend the most on K-12 back-to-school items, exceeding the average household K-12 expenses by 13.2%.
  • The average 35- to 44-year-olds householder spent $1,007.69 for back-to-school 2021.
  • 18- to 24-year-old households spent the least on K-12 back-to-school at $629.05 per household or 25.9% lower than average.
  • Among teens and pre-teens who spent their own money on back-to-school items for 2021, the average expenditure by age group was $46.46 among teens and $39.19, among pre-teens.
  •  Teens’ spending for their own back-to-school increased 46.8% from 2011 to 2021.
  •  Among pre-teens, spending for their own school supplies increased over 159% from 2011 to 2021.
Back-to-School Spending by Age Group, 2021
Age Group Average Spending Difference from Household Average
18-24 $629.05 -25.9%
25-34 $1,004.65 12.9%
35-44 $1,007.69 13.2%
45-54 $784.02 -11.9%
55-64 $819.03 -8.0%
65+ $754.38 -15.2%

Back-to-College Spending Statistics

Back-to-college spending exceeds back-to-school spending, but expenses include many more items.

  • Households spent an average of $1,600 per child or per student for back-to-college 2022.
  • Back-to-college spending per child or per student increased 9.66% from 2021 to 2022.
  • From 2019 to 2022, household spending per college student increased 17.5%; after adjusting for inflation, spending per college student increased 1.76%.
  • Compared to spending per K-12 child, households spend 170.7%  more per college student.
  • Sustainable shoppers spend 19% more than the average household on back-to-college.

100% Stacked Bars: Plans for K-12 Back-to-School Shopping Location including in stores, online, and a mix of both according to Morning Consult

Back-to-College Budget Statistics

Back-to-college spending exceeds back-to-school spending, but expenses include many more items.

  • Household back-to-college shopping budgets increased by $167.52 between 2022 and 2023.
  • Electronics and computer supplies are the most expensive back-to-college purchases at an average cost of $336.65 per household.
  • School supplies are the most affordable with household budgets averaging $95.03.
  • Households spend an average of $114.48 on personal care items.
  • The average household spends roughly the same amount on dorm and apartment furnishings ($190.80) as clothing and accessories ($182.39).
  • Households spend an average of $112.81 on shoes for back-to-college.
  • The average household spends $151.00 on food for back-to-college.
  • Gift cards cost the average household $104.75 on gift cards for back-to-college.
  • Families spend a total of $94 billion on back-to-college shopping.
Average Back-to-College Budgets
Year Average Budget per Household Average Budget per Student
2023 $1,367 $1,648
2022 $1,199 $1,600
2021 $1,200 $1,459
2020 $1,059 $1,345
2019 $977 $1,362
2018 $942 $1,330
2017 $970 $1,347
2016 $889 $1,345

Back-to-College Shopping Statistics

Back-to-college shopping is generally more expensive than back-to-school shopping, with more products and more purchases.

  • 49% of back-to-college shoppers shop online.
  • 35% of back-to-college shoppers shop at department stores.
  • 33% shop at discount stores for back-to-college.
  • 25% shop at office supply stores, and 26% shop at their college bookstore.
  • 25% shop at clothing stores.
  • 18% shop at electronics stores, and 14% shop at stores for home goods and furnishings.
  • Back-to-college consumers shop at drug stores and small and local businesses in equal measure (12%).
  • Consumers are least likely to shop for back-to-college at thrift shops (9%) and in catalogs (7%).
  • 37% begin shopping within the last three (3) weeks of summer; 13% make their final back-to-class purchase after classes begin.

Line Graph: Households Purchasing Electronics for Back-to-School including K-12 and college households according to the National Retail Federation

Back-to-College Consumer Statistics

Back-to-college consumers purchase from more product categories than K-12 shopping lists, including daily household items for students who live in dorms or off-campus apartments.

  • 92% of back-to-college consumers spend a portion of their budgets on school supplies.
  • 86% of back-to-college shoppers purchase clothing and accessories and 81% purchase shoes.
  • 86% of consumers purchase personal care items for back-to-college.
  • 81% of back-to-school shoppers purchase food items.
  • 68% of back-to-college consumers spend a portion of their budgets on electronics or computer equipment.
  • 64% purchase collegiate-branded gear and 61% shop for dorm or apartment furnishings.
  • 51% of back-to-college consumers buy gift cards.
  • 59% of online back-to-college consumers shop from a smartphone.
  • 30% of online back-to-college shoppers use social media to find products and sales.
  • 33% of shoppers look for used or refurbished items for back-to-college.

Doughnut Chart: Average Household Back-to-College Budget according to the National Retail Federation

These data and insights were compiled by the Capital One Shopping team based on publicly available data.


  1. National Retail Federation Holiday and Seasonal Trends: Back-to-School
  2. Deloitte, Insights: Consumer Products and Retail
  3. Statista, Back-to-School
  4. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, CPI Inflation Calculator
  5. Statista, Back-to-College
  6. Finance Buzz, 44% of Parents are Considering Buying a Bulletproof Backpack for their Child
  7. Morning Consult, Retail & E-Commerce