Highlights. Millennial* retail spending totals $1.928 trillion over 12 months.   

  • In the U.S., Millennial consumers account for 26.8% of all retail spending.
  • The average Millennial’s annual retail spending (including grocery) totals $27,710 or 2.49% more than the average consumer. 
  • Millennials spend 14.4% more on retail than Baby Boomers (b. 1946 – 1964) but 21.1% less than Generation X consumers (b. 1965 – 1980).
  • Though Millennials are less likely than the average consumer to shop in-store, they are 26.7% more likely to shop in-store than online.

*In this report, “Millennial” refers to someone born between 1981 and 1996.

Pie Chart: Millennial Average Annual Retail Expenditures according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Millennial Shopping Statistics

Millennials spend a smaller portion of their income on consumer products and services than any other generation.

  • The average total consumer spending (including housing) among Millennials amounts to $74,782 per year or 74.5% of their income after taxes.
  • Millennial retail spending represents 37.1% of their total consumer spending and 30.9% of their income after taxes.
  • 85% of Millennials shop online in 12 months; 82% shop in-store.
  • 45% of Millennials carefully budget their finances, a 4.65% higher rate than any other generation.

Grouped Bar Graph: Millennial vs. Gen Z Expenditures according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Millennial vs. Generation Z

While Millennials spend more than Generation Z [b. 1997 or later (aged 18+)], they spend a smaller portion of their income after taxes in most retail categories.

  • Millennials’ total consumer expenditures are 55.9% higher compared to Generation Z’s consumer expenditures.
  • Millennials’ consumer expenditures amount to a 13.7% smaller portion of their income after taxes than Gen Z’s.
  • Millennials spend a 7.62% smaller portion of their income after taxes on general entertainment and a 35.7% smaller portion on vehicle purchases compared to Gen Z consumers.
  • The average Millennial spends 15.4% less of their post-tax income on tobacco and 13.5% less on alcoholic beverages.
  • Compared to Generation Z, Millennials spend an 82.7% smaller portion of their income on education and a 13.2% larger portion on apparel and services. 
  • The average Millennial spent 50.4% or $643 more than Generation Z shoppers for the 2022 holiday season.
  • Millennials had a gift budget that was 46.1% or $287 more than Generation Z shoppers spent.
  • Millennials are 11.8% more likely to prefer online shopping and 12.2% less likely to prefer in-store shopping compared to Gen Z.
  • Millennials are 22.2% less likely than Gen Z consumers to have used mobile payment services for in-store purchases.

Grouped Bar Graph: Millennial vs. Gen X Expenditures according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Millennial vs. Generation X

Generation X consumers outspend Millennials in most retail categories.

  • Millennials’ total consumer expenditures are 18.2% lower compared to Generation X’s consumer expenditures.
  • Millennials’ consumer expenditures amount to a 0.84% smaller portion of their income after taxes than Gen X’s.
  • Millennials spend a 24.2% larger portion of their income after taxes on alcoholic beverages and a 15.6% larger portion on reading compared to Gen X consumers.
  • The average Millennial spends 10.6% less of their post-tax income on tobacco and 7.54% less on vehicle purchases than Gen X consumers.
  • Compared to Generation X, Millennials spend a 57.2% smaller portion of their income after tax on education, a 2.83% smaller portion on housekeeping supplies, and a 5.49% larger portion on miscellaneous items. 
  • The average Millennial spent 7.63% or $136 more than Generation X shoppers for the 2022 holiday season.
  • Millennials had a gift budget that was 0.55% or $5.00 less than Generation X shoppers spent.
  • Millennials are 26.7% more likely to prefer online shopping and 18.2% less likely to prefer in-store shopping than Gen X.
  • Millennials are 41.5% more likely than Gen X consumers to have used mobile payment services.
  • Millennials are 27.3% more likely to have used mobile payment services for in-store purchases.

Grouped Bar Graph: Millennial vs. Boomer Expenditures according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Millennials vs. Baby Boomers

While the average Millennial spends more than the average Baby Boomer, they spend a smaller portion of their income on consumer goods and services.

  • Millennials’ total consumer expenditures are 12.69% higher compared to Boomers’ expenditures.
  • Millennials’ consumer expenditures amount to an 8.12% smaller portion of their income after taxes than Boomers’.
  • Millennials spend a 10.0% larger portion of their income after taxes on vehicle purchases and a 31.4% larger portion on apparel and services compared to Baby Boomer consumers.
  • The average Millennial spends 34.9% less of their income after taxes on reading than the average Boomer.
  • Compared to Boomers, Millennials spend a 26.9% smaller portion of their post-tax income on housekeeping supplies and 15.4% less on entertainment. 
  • Millennials are 26.7% more likely to prefer online shopping and 23.4% less likely to prefer in-store shopping than Baby Boomers.
  • Millennials are 190% more likely than Boomers to have used mobile payment services.
  • Millennials are 180% more likely than Boomer consumers to have used mobile payment services for in-store purchases.
  • The average Millennial spent 67.1% or $770 more than Baby Boomer shoppers for the 2022 holiday season.
  • Millennials had a gift budget that was 31.3% or $217 more than Boomer shoppers spent.

Grouped Bar Graph: Millennial vs. Silent & Greatest Generation Expenditures according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Millennials vs. Silent & Greatest Generations

Because the remaining population is relatively small, the Silent and Greatest Generations (b. 1945 or earlier) have been combined into one category for statistical purposes.

  • Millennials’ total consumer expenditures are 43.8% higher compared to expenditures among the Silent/Greatest Generations.
  • Millennials’ consumer expenditures amount to a 27.0% smaller portion of their income after taxes than Silent/Greatest.
  • Millennials spend a 21.1% larger portion of their income after taxes on tobacco compared to Silent & Greatest Generation consumers.
  • The average Millennial spends 40.9% more of their income after taxes on vehicle purchases, 81.1% more on apparel and services, and 22.8% more on alcoholic beverages compared to the Silent/Greatest.
  • Compared to the Silent/Greatest, Millennials spend a 45.5% smaller portion on housekeeping supplies and 44.0% less on miscellaneous items.
Millennial Monthly Spending Power
Item Selected Spending Share of Total Spending
Housing $2,186.75 35.1%
Transportation $1,094.00 17.6%
Food at home $488.92 7.85%
Healthcare $346.33 5.56%
Dining out $324.83 5.21%
Entertainment $292.50 4.69%
Apparel and services $201.25 3.23%
Education $76.00 1.30%
Miscellaneous $77.83 1.22%
Personal care products and services $75.67 1.21%
Alcoholic Beverages $55.08 0.88%
Tobacco $28.42 0.46%
Reading $8.58 0.14%

Millennial Online Shopping Statistics 

Among online shoppers, Millennials are the generation most likely to use online shopping subscription services.

  • 38% of Millennials primarily shop in-store.
  • 32% of Millennials shop online and in-store in equal measure.
  • 30% of Millennials primarily shop online.
  • Millennials are 1.20% less likely than the average consumer to shop in-store.
  • Given the option, 38% of Millennials would prefer to shop online instead of in-store.
  • Millennials are the generation least likely to prefer online shopping to in-store shopping (by 12.2%).
  • 75.6% of Millennials have shopped for groceries online in a 30-day period.
  • Millennials are 2.41% more likely than the average American consumer to shop online over 12 months.
  • 44% of U.S. Millennials shop online on a daily or weekly basis.
  • Millennials are 4.76% more likely than the average American consumer to shop online at least on a weekly basis.

Grouped Bar Graph: Millennial Annual Retail Expenditures in thousands, including expenditures and expenditures minus housing, transportation, and healthcare, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Millennial Social Media Shopping Statistics

Millennial consumers shop on social media more often than older generations. 

  • 50% of Millennials regularly discover new products on social media.
  • 59% of Millennials discover new products on social media more than any other channel; 39% prefer using social media to learn about products.
  • 28% of Millennials have purchased a product directly through a social media platform in the past three months.
  • 26% of Millennial consumers have purchased an item based on a social media influencer’s recommendation. 
  • 24% of Millennials have contacted a brand directly on social media for customer service. 

Grouped Bar Graph: Millennial Brand/Retailer Loyalty Practices; buy according to loyalty (79%), browse according to loyalty (77%), have brand/retailer credit card (66%), belong to loyalty program (60%) according to PwC

Millennial Brand Loyalty Statistics

The Millennial Generation is the most concerned about a brand or retailer’s sustainability and environmental impact.

  • 58% of Millennial shoppers seriously consider the trustworthiness of a brand or retailer when buying.
  • 43% of Millennials prefer to buy from local markets while 42% consider a retailer’s sustainability a primary factor when buying.
  • 38% of Millennials consider socially/environmentally responsible brands “very important” when shopping.
  • The environmental impact of production, diversity and inclusion practices, and the environmental impact of delivery is “very important” to 37% of Millennials, respectively.
  • 41% of Millennials believe companies should take a stance on social issues. 
  • 59% of Millennials have recently purchased a product because a small business was selling it. 
  • 49% of Millennials have made a recent purchase because of the brand’s commitment to diversity or inclusion. 

Stacked Bar Graph: Millennials' Favorite brands according to Statista

Most Popular Brands Among Millennials 

Apple is the most popular brand among Millenials with 17% citing it as their favorite consumer brand.

  • Amazon is the favorite brand of 16% of Millennials and the most popular online retailer.
  • Nike is the favorite brand of 13% of Millenials and the most popular clothing brand among this generation. 
  • Samsung is the most popular electronics brand among Millenials with 6% citing it as their favorite.

Grouped Bar Graph: Millennial Income & Expenditures in thousands, comparing income after taxes to expenditures, from 2016 ($56,600 and $48,600) to 2022 ($89,600 and $74,800) according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Millennial Clothing Shopping Statistics

Millennial consumers spend more on clothing for themselves and their children than other generations.

  • The average Millennial male spends 59.9% more money on clothes and shoes than his female counterpart.
  • By some measures, Millennial males spend an average of $318.45 on clothing and apparel per month.
  • Among female Millennials, the average monthly spending on clothes and shoes totals $199.17.
  • Millennials spend an average of $172.50 per month on apparel, 24.6% more than American consumers on average. 
  • Women’s clothing accounts for $54.58 of a Millennial’s monthly expenditure, 1.71% more than consumers on average. 
  • Men’s clothing accounts for $27.25 of a Millennial’s monthly spending, 5.76% less than the average consumer’s. 
  • Footwear accounts for $46.08 of a Millennial’s monthly spending, 38.6% more than consumers on average. 
  • Clothing for children under 2 years of age accounts for $16.25 of a Millennial’s monthly spending, 163.5% more than consumers on average. 
  • Clothing for children 2 to 15 years of age accounts for $28.33 of a Millennial’s monthly spending, 71.7% more than consumers on average. 

Donut Pie Chart: Monthly Millennial Grocery Expenditure; total $488.92 according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Millennial Grocery Shopping Statistics

Millennials spend more on groceries or food at home than other generations. 

  • Millennials spend an average of $112.83 per week on groceries, 2.88% more than the average consumer. 
  • Millennials spend an average of $5,867 per year or $488.92 per month on food at home. 
  • Meat, poultry, and fish account for $103.33 of the average Millennial’s monthly grocery budget. 
    • Millennials spend 10.7% more on poultry and 12.6% more on eggs than the average American consumer. 
  • Fruits and vegetables account for $96.75 of the average Millennial’s monthly grocery spending. 
    • Millennials spend 7.67% more on fresh vegetables and 4.43% more on fresh fruits than the average consumer. 
  • Cereals and bakery products account for $60.58 of the average Millennial’s monthly grocery spending. 
    • Millennials spend 12.6% more on cereals than the average consumer. 
  • Dairy products account for $44.42 of the average Millennial’s monthly grocery spending. 
    • Millennials spend 3.57% more on fresh milk and cream than the average consumer. 
  • Other grocery products account for $183.92 of the average Millennial’s monthly grocery spending. 
    • Millennials spend 6.37% more on fats and oils than the average consumer.

Pie Chart: Millennial Holiday Expenditures by Category including Gifts (46.9%), Travel (34.2%), and Entertainment (18.9%) according to PwC

Millennial Holiday Shopping Statistics

Millennials spend more on the winter holidays than any other generation.

  • Millennials had an average holiday budget of $1,918 in 2023, up 5.21% YoY.
  • $910 or 47.4% of the average Millennial holiday budget was for gifts.
  • In 2022, Millennials had an average holiday budget of $1,823, up 10.81%  YoY.
  • Millennial consumers planned to spend $861 on their family over the 2022 holiday season, $28 less than Generation X consumers.
  • Among all generations, Millennials spent the most on their friends for the holidays in 2022 ($205). 
  • Millennial holiday spending on pets ($108 total) was the highest among all generations by 77.0% in 2022.
  • Millennials spent the most on themselves ($561 total) by 31.4%.

Pie Chart: Millennial Holiday Expenditures by Category including Gifts (47.4%), Travel (34.9%) and Entertainment (17.6%) according to PwC

Millennial Spending Statistics

Most Millennials use credit cards and/or loyalty programs to pay for at least some of their retail purchases.

  • 66% of Millennials shop using a brand or retailer credit card.
  • 60% shop using a brand or retailer loyalty program.
  • 20% of Millennials plan to use Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) services for winter holiday purchases in 2022.
  • Millennials are 53.8% more likely than the average shopper to use BNPL.
Millennial Retail Spending Annual Growth
Item Change in Spending Change in Share of Total Spending
Housing 9.10% 0.75%
Transportation 3.51% -4.41%
Food at home 17.15% 8.19%
Healthcare 3.23% -4.76%
Dining out 12.82% 4.19%
Entertainment 1.53% -6.23%
Apparel and services 13.11% 4.46%
Education -9.52% -16.45%
Miscellaneous 3.75% -4.19%
Personal care products 18.86% 7.92%
Alcoholic Beverages 5.09% -2.95%
Tobacco -9.79% 16.69%
Reading -3.74% -11.10%

Millennial Mobile Shopping Statistics

Younger millennials are more likely to shop via smartphone.

  • Among Millennials who use mobile savings apps, 81% use grocery, drug, or mass savings apps.
  • 67% of Millennial mobile savings app users use cashback/points apps.
  • 66% of Millennials use coupon apps, and 66% use in-store shopping rewards apps.
  • 58% of Millennial mobile savings app users use shopping list apps and deal comparison apps, respectively.

Millennial Mobile Wallet Statistics

Millennials are the generation most likely to use mobile wallets.

  • 44.1% of Millennials use mobile wallets to pay merchants at point-of-sale (POS).
  • Millennials are 44.1% more likely to use mobile wallets to pay merchants at POS than Generation Z (30.6%) and 53.7% more likely to do so than Generation X (28.7%).  
  • Millennials are 21.6% less likely than Generation Z adults to use mobile payment services.
  • Compared to all U.S. adults, Millennials are 38.1% more likely to use mobile payment services.
  • 22% of Millennials used mobile payment services online only in a 30-day period.
  • Another 22% of Millennials used mobile payments for online and in-store purchases over 30 days.
  • 14% of Millennials used mobile payment services in stores only over 30 days.
  •  42% of Millennials have not used mobile payment services at all in 30 days.

These data and insights were compiled by the Capital One Shopping team based on publicly available data.


  1. Statista, Industry Overview
  2. U.S. Census Bureau, Population Clock
  3. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditures
  4. PwC, Holiday Outlook
  5. Morning Consult, Retail & E-commerce
  6. PYMTS, Millennials Use Full Range of Mobile Wallet Features
  7. HubSpot, How Each Generation Shops in 2023