Highlights. There are over 600 million products for sale on Amazon.

  • 12 million of the products listed on Amazon are sold by Amazon itself; over 588 million are sold by third-party vendors.
  • Over 1.9 million third-party vendors list their products on Amazon.
  • In 2023, third-party vendors sold over 4.5 billion products, a collective average of 8,600 per minute.

Bar Graph: Top U.S. Online Retailers by Number of Products including Amazon (600 million), Walmart (160 million), Wayfair (30 million), and Target (250,000) according to AMZ Scout, Wayfair, QuerySprout, and Marketplace Pulse

Number of Products

The number of products on Amazon is constantly shifting, but estimates can be made based on data from sites that attempt to track them.

  • In 2023, there were over 600 million products listed on Amazon; 12 million or 2% of these were through Amazon’s own brands and 98% were through third-party vendors.
  • In 2016, there were over 341 million third-party vendor products listed on Amazon; by 2023, this number increased by 72.3% to 588 million.
  • Amazon’s own product offerings have stayed static over time; in 2016, Amazon also offered 12 million products.
  • Amazon’s closest domestic competitor in online-only retail, Wayfair, offers only 30 million products through third-party vendors, and none through their own brands.
  • Amazon’s closest domestic competitor in online retail sales, Walmart, offers 160 million products, 120,000 of which are sold in physical stores.

Pie Chart: Share of Third-Party Amazon Products (98%) according to AMZ Scout

Number of Products by Category

One 2023 survey of 2,600 Amazon vendors asked what product types they sold; another 2016 analysis * broke down listed products by category.

  • Although there are over 25,000 subcategories on Amazon, most products fall under one of 33 main categories.
  • In 2024, the product category in which the most vendors posted listings was Home & Kitchen with 35% of vendors, up 6% from 33% of vendors in 2023.
  • The second most popular category was Beauty & Personal Care with 26% of vendors, up 4% from 25% in 2023.
  • In 2016, Cell Phones & Accessories led with 82 million product listings, or 23.2% of all listings on Amazon.
  • Home & Kitchen was close behind with 64 million product listings, or 18.2% of all listings on Amazon.

*Note that the 2016 analysis excludes books, media, wine, services, and repeat products.

Bar Graph: Share of Amazon Products by Category according to Jungle Scout

Amazon Third-Party Vendor Statistics

The majority of products listed on Amazon come from third-party vendors, which also make up an increasingly large portion of Amazon’s sales.

  • Out of an estimated 9 million active third-party vendors on Amazon, 5 million or 55.6% are based in the United States.
  • 61% of all Amazon sales in 2023 came from products listed by third-party vendors, up from 51% in 2017.
  • 83% of all third-party vendors list fewer than 20 products on Amazon.
  • 15% of third-party vendors list 20 or more products on Amazon, and only 3% list over 500.
  • 60% of third-party vendors sold products on other online platforms in 2023.


  1. AMZ Scout
  2. Amazon.com
  3. 360pi, How Many Products Does Amazon Carry?
  4. Wayfair, How Wayfair Uses “Predicted Winners” Models to Accelerate Success for New Products
  5. Jungle Scout, The State of the Amazon Seller
  6. EcomCrew, Amazon Categories: A Complete Reference Guide for Sellers
  7. QuerySprout, How Many Products Does Walmart Sell?
  8. Marketplace Pulse, Target Is Not Scaling Its Marketplace