Highlights. U.S. online grocery sales increased 131% during the COVID-19 pandemic; projections indicate a continued annual growth rate of 20.8%

  • 141.7 million Americans (54.1% of those aged 18+) bought groceries online in 2022.
  • Global online grocery sales are expected to total up to $773.8 billion in 2024; projections indicate sales will increase to $957 billion in 2026.
  • Nationwide online grocery sales will total as much as $257.5 billion in 2024; projections indicate that sales will increase up to $364 billion in 2026.
  • 28% of American adults grocery shop online at least once per month.
  • Americans spent as much as 20.5% of their 2022 grocery budgets online.

Grouped Bar Graph: U.S. Online Grocery Spending from 2019 ($58.47 billion) to 2022 ($135.2 billion) according to Insider Intelligence with projections from 2023 to 2025 ($253.9 billion)

Online Grocery Shopping Statistics

More consumers are grocery shopping online, and delivery is more popular than curbside or in-store pick-up.

  • A typical online supermarket transaction totals $109, 148% more than the average in-store transaction ($44.02). 
  • Online grocery inflation peaked in September 2022 at 14.3% YoY.
  • Compared to the 2020 calendar year, the share of fresh produce purchased online increased 41.2% in 2021.
  • Between 2019 and 2020, produce sales online increased 143%. 
  • The top three fresh grocery items in terms of online sales revenue are ground beef (6.1%), chicken breast (5.2%), and berries (4.9%). 
  • Online consumers spend 17.3% more on ground beef than they spend on chicken breast.

Grouped Bar Graph: U.S. Online Grocery Consumers from 2018 (76.3 million) to 2022 (142 million) according to Insider Intelligence with projections from 2023 to 2025 (160 million)

Online Grocery Shopper Statistics

While consumers return to in-store grocery shopping after the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping remains comparatively high.

  • An estimated 150.7 million Americans shop for groceries online in 2024. 
  • Among U.S. internet users, approximately 58.6% have purchased groceries online.
  • The number of Americans who shop online for groceries increased 3.13% from 2021 to 2022.
  • From 2019 to 2020, grocery e-commerce’s internet user penetration increased from 37.8% to 52.9%. 
  • Statistics indicate that by 2026, over 160 million Americans will buy their groceries online.
  • 43% of shoppers with children under the age of 18 buy groceries online at least once per month.
  • Shoppers with minor children are 95.5% more likely to buy groceries online on a monthly basis.
  • 41% of 35- to 54-year-olds order groceries online at least once per month, making them the age group most likely to do so.
  • 18- to 34-year-olds are 119% more likely to grocery shop online monthly than shoppers aged 55 years and older.

Line Graph: Worldwide Online Share of Grocery Sales from 2017 (3.5%) to 2022 (7.7%) from Kantar with projections from 2023 to 2025 (0.2%)


Walmart nets the highest grocery e-commerce revenue.

  • Online consumers in the U.S. spent an estimated $45.71 billion on groceries from Walmart in 2023.
  • Projections indicate a 17.5% annual growth rate in Walmart’s online grocery sales.
  • In 2025, digital consumers will spend an estimated $63.79 billion on Walmart groceries.
  • Walmart grocery e-commerce represents 28.4% of the U.S. online grocery market share.
  • Online grocery sales represented an estimated 7.56% of Walmart’s net sales in 2023.

Bar Graph: Popular Grocery eTailer 2023 US Sales Projections for Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, Target, and Albertsons according to the Dallas Morning News


Before 2019, Amazon made the most from grocery e-commerce.

  • Online consumers in the U.S. spent an estimated $35.46 billion on groceries from Amazon in 2023.
  • Projections indicate a 17.6% annual growth rate in Amazon’s online grocery sales.
  • In 2025, digital consumers will spend an estimated $48.42 billion on Amazon groceries.
  • Amazon grocery e-commerce represents 22.0% of the U.S. online grocery market share.
  • Online grocery sales represented 8.96% of Amazon’s domestic sales in 2023.

The Kroger Co.

Kroger has the highest sales growth rate after Walmart and Amazon.

  • Online consumers in the U.S. spent an estimated $15.85 billion on groceries from Kroger in 2023.
  • Projections indicate a 13.1% annual growth rate in Kroger’s online grocery sales.
  • In 2025, digital consumers will spend an estimated $20.9 billion on Kroger groceries.
  • Kroger grocery e-commerce represents 9.9% of the U.S. online grocery market share.
  • Online grocery sales represented 10.6% of Kroger’s sales in 2023.

Line Graph: U.S. Online Grocery Sales from 2021 to 2022 with projections from 2023 to 2025, including Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, Target, and Albertsons, according to the Dallas Morning News


Target’s annual online grocery sales will surpass $10 billion after 2025.

  • Online consumers in the U.S. spent an estimated $7.72 billion on groceries from Target in 2023.
  • Projections indicate an 8.8% annual growth rate in Target’s online grocery sales.
  • In 2025, digital consumers will spend an estimated $9.16 billion on Target groceries.
  • Target grocery e-commerce represents 4.8% of the U.S. online grocery market share.
  • Online groceries represented 7.31% of Target’s total sales and 39.9% of its digital sales in 2023.


Among the leading online grocery retailers, Albertsons shoppers are the least likely to purchase groceries online. 

  • Online consumers in the U.S. spent an estimated $5.47 billion on groceries from Albertsons in 2023.
  • Projections indicate a 6.5% annual growth rate in Albertsons’ online grocery sales.
  • In 2025, digital consumers will spend an estimated $6.38 billion on Albertsons groceries.
  • Albertsons grocery e-commerce represents 3.4% of the U.S. online grocery market share.
  • Online groceries represented 6.92% of Albertsons’ sales in 2023.

Pie Chart: US Online Grocery Market Share including Walmart (28%), Amazon (22%), Kroger (10%), Target (5%), Albertsons (3%), and Other online retailers (32%)

Online Grocery Delivery Statistics

Consumer usage of online grocery delivery services skyrocketed in 2020 during COVID-19-related lockdowns.

  • In 2023, online shoppers spent 61.9% of their grocery dollars on items for delivery, down 5.64% since 2020.
  • Projections indicate that by 2026, 59.4% of online grocery sales will be for delivery.
  • From 2019 to 2020, grocery delivery service InstaCart increased its YoY net sales by 230%. 
  • In 2023, InstaCart sales totaled $35.2 billion, up 15% YoY.
  • Projections indicate that InstaCart will continue to grow at an annual rate of 15.9%. 
  • In 2025, consumers will spend an estimated $47.0 billion on InstaCart.

These data and insights were compiled by the Capital One Shopping team based on publicly available data.


  1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Consumer Expenditure Surveys
  2. Information Resources, Inc., Fresh Produce in the Era of Inflation and Beyond
  3. Statista, Online Grocery Shopping in the United States
  4. The Food Industry Association, Food Marketing Institute: Supermarket Facts
  5. Kantar, 2021’s Most-Chosen Brands Online
  6. U.S. Census Bureau, Population and Housing Unit Estimates Tables
  7. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, EDGAR Filings
  8. Dallas Morning News, Walmart’s Online Grocery Lead on Amazon and InstaCart is Strengthening
  9. Insider Intelligence, U.S. Digital Grocery Sales
  10. Gallup News, In-Person Grocery Shopping Rebounds in U.S.; Online Also Up