Highlights. In one week, 91% of American consumers shop at small and local stores, including 238 million household shoppers.

  • 68% or $68 out of every $100 spent at local stores remains in the local economy.
  • American shoppers spent an estimated $3.81 trillion at local stores in 2023, equivalent to 50.1% of all retail sales.
  • 8.68% of American small businesses are retailers (2.89 million out of 33.3 million total small businesses).
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, there are 630,467 local retailers in the U.S.
  • Including sole proprietorships, the average local retailer made $228,527 in 2022, up 1.3% year-over-year (YoY).

Jump to a state: AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY

Grouped Bar Graph: Local Retailers' Estimated Annual Revenue from 2017 ($2.54 trillion) to 2023 ($3.81 trillion) based on data from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the National Retail Federation (NRF) with projections up to 2025 ($4.05 trillion)

Community Benefits to Shopping Local

Shopping small keeps dollars local and reduces environmental strain.

  • Local retailers retain 289% more revenue for the local economy than chain stores do.
  • Dollars spent at an independent business may recirculate in the local economy an average of six to 15 times.
  • Small businesses make up to 136% more charitable donations per employee than businesses with 500-or-more employees.
  • Residents of communities with more independent businesses drive ¾ as many miles as their neighbors with less access to small local shops.
Estimated Small & Independent Retail Revenue
Year Estimated Revenue
(in trillions)
YoY Change
2023 $3.807 3.17%
2022 $3.690 8.70%
2021 $3.395 21.5%
2020 $2.794 4.36%
2019 $2.677 1.10%
2018 $2.648 4.04%

Local Retail & Shopping Statistics

The average person shops locally 213 times per year or once every 1.7 days. 

  • The share of retail sales revenue going to local stores declined 3.71% YoY.
  • Shoppers spend no more than $4.18 trillion or 55% of retail sales revenue at local and independent retailers.
  • 78.2% of independent retailers are sole proprietors.
  • According to 71% of consumers, the federal government should expand programs to support small and local businesses.
  • From 2013 to 2023, the number of independent bookstores in the U.S. increased 31.9% to 2,599.

100% Stacked Bar Graph: Share of All U.S. Retail Revenue including Small & indepdendent and Large chain retail according to the SBA and NRF

Local Multichannel Shopping Statistics

Multichannel and omnichannel shopping allows consumers a number of ways to shop both online and in stores.

  • 50% of online searches for local retail end with a visit to a brick-and-mortar location within 24 hours.
  • 37% of all consumers prefer to research online and purchase locally.
  • 19% of all consumers prefer to buy online and pick up locally.
  • 18% of consumers prefer to browse locally and buy online.
  • 60% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase online if they can return it to a local store.
  • 37% of consumers shop locally even if it’s more expensive or less convenient.
  • 20% of consumers only buy an item online if it’s unavailable locally.

National Map: Independent Retail Sales Revenue 2023 in billions by state according to the U.S. Census Bureau

Local Shopper Statistics

While most shoppers prefer to shop or buy locally, convenience and availability may influence their decisions.

  • 194 million or 74% of all consumers prefer to browse and/or buy locally (as opposed to online).
  • For every local retailer in the U.S., there are 416 consumers.
  • In general, local consumer engagement increased 11% from 2019 to 2020.
  • 71% of local consumers consider cost when buying.
  • 47% of local consumers are influenced by the business’ distance.
  • 32% of local consumers buy based on business hours.
  • 30% of local consumers make purchasing decisions based on ratings or reviews.
  • 18% of local consumers are influenced by photos of the business or its products.
  • 17% of local consumers make buying decisions based on a store’s involvement in the local community.
  • 9% of local consumers are influenced by the founder’s story when buying.

National Map: Number of Independent Retailers Per State according to the U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy

Local Shopping Statistics by State

Note that revenue figures are high-end estimates and may be inflated.

  • Hawaii retailers make more money per store than retailers in any other state with nearly $1 million per independent retailer (including sole proprietors).
  • Wyoming has the highest number of retailers per capita with 259 consumers per retail employer.
  • Arizona has the lowest rate of retail employers per capita with 619 consumers per store.
  • Iowa had the highest YoY increase in retail sales in 2023 (10.0%).
  • California has more small retailers than any other state with 326,162 total, including 68,478 retail employers and 257,684 sole proprietors.

National Map: Retail Sales Revenue Annual Change by state according to the U.S. Census Bureau

Alabama Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Alabama decreased 1.0% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Alabama independent retailers made up to $42.9 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Alabama is home to 10,209 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 390 consumers live in Alabama. 
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Alabama made an estimated $4.20 million in annual sales in 2023.
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Alabama made $184,900.
  • 9.98% of Alabama small businesses are retailers.

Alaska Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Alaska increased 2.8% in 2023.

  • The State of Alaska does not collect sales tax.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Alaska is home to 1,618 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 345 consumers live in Alaska.
  • 8.36% of Alaska small businesses are retailers.

Arizona Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Arizona increased 3.9% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Arizona independent retailers made up to $114 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Arizona is home to 9,444 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 619 consumers live in Arizona.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Arizona made an estimated $12.1 million in annual sales in 2023.
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Arizona made $319,900.
  • 8.28% of Arizona small businesses are retailers.

Arkansas Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Arkansas decreased 1.1% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Arkansas independent retailers made up to $41.4 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Arkansas is home to 6,233 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 379 consumers live in Arkansas.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Arkansas made an estimated $6.64 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Arkansas made $280,900.
  • 10.0% of Arkansas small businesses are retailers.

California Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in California increased 2.3% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, California independent retailers made up to $400 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, California is home to 68,478 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 446 consumers live in California.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in California made an estimated $5.85 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in California made $175,800.
  • 7.87% of California small businesses are retailers.

Colorado Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Colorado increased 0.7% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Colorado independent retailers made up to $85.2 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Colorado is home to 11,747 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 397 consumers live in Colorado.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Colorado made an estimated $7.26 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Colorado made $226,800.
  • 7.45% of Colorado small businesses are retailers.

Connecticut Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Connecticut increased 1.1% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Connecticut independent retailers made up to $53.6 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Connecticut is home to 7,586 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 382 consumers live in Connecticut.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Connecticut made an estimated $7.06 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Connecticut made $275,500.
  • 7.84% of Connecticut small businesses are retailers.

Delaware Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Delaware increased 1.3% in 2023.

  • The State of Delaware does not collect retail sales tax.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Delaware is home to 2,215 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 370 consumers live in Delaware.
  • 9.14% of Delaware small businesses are retailers.

District of Columbia Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in the District of Columbia increased 4.1% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, D.C. independent retailers made up to $14.9 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, D.C. is home to 1,163 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 475 consumers live in D.C.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in D.C. made an estimated $12.8 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in D.C. made $359,400.
  • 4.39% of D.C. small businesses are retailers.

Florida Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Florida increased 2.3% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Florida independent retailers made up to $391 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Florida is home to 47,346 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 385 consumers live in Florida.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Florida made an estimated $8.25 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Florida made $227,200.
  • 7.46% of Florida small businesses are retailers.

Georgia Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Georgia decreased 0.7% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Georgia independent retailers made up to $121 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Georgia is home to 21,375 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 397 consumers live in Georgia.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Georgia made an estimated $5.68 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Georiga made $180,800.
  • 8.30% of Georgia small businesses are retailers.

Hawaii Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Hawaii increased 3.2% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Hawaii independent retailers made up to $66.4 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Hawaii is home to 2,446 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 467 consumers live in Hawaii.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Hawaii made an estimated $27.1 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Hawaii made $902,400.
  • 10.2% of Hawaii small businesses are retailers.

Idaho Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Idaho increased 0.7% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Idaho independent retailers made up to $26.1 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Idaho is home to 3,981 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 376 consumers live in Idaho.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Idaho made an estimated $6.54 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Idaho made $251,600.
  • 10.3% of Idaho small businesses are retailers.

Illinois Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Illinois increased 1.7% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Illinois independent retailers made up to $125 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Illinois is home to 21,706 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 454 consumers live in Illinois.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Illinois made an estimated $5.77 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Illinois made $181,600.
  • 8.86% of Illinois small businesses are retailers.

Indiana Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Indiana increased 1.8% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Indiana independent retailers made up to $86.3 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Indiana is home to 11,301 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 467 consumers live in Indiana.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Indiana made an estimated $7.63 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Indiana made $292,600.
  • 9.89% of Indiana small businesses are retailers.

Iowa Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Iowa increased 10.0% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Iowa independent retailers made up to $42.3 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Iowa is home to 6,335 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 391 consumers live in Iowa.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Iowa made an estimated $6.68 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Iowa made $282,900.
  • 11.0% of Iowa small businesses are retailers.

Kansas Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Kansas decreased 0.1% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Kansas independent retailers made up to $37.1 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Kansas is home to 5,839 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 385 consumers live in Kansas.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Kansas made an estimated $6.35 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Kansas made $263,400.
  • 10.3% of Kansas small businesses are retailers.

Kentucky Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Kentucky increased 0.4% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Kentucky independent retailers made up to $49.2 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Kentucky is home to 8,479 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 414 consumers live in Kentucky.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Kentucky made an estimated $5.80 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Kentucky made $246,600.
  • 10.4% of Kentucky small businesses are retailers.

Louisiana Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Louisiana decreased 0.4% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Louisiana independent retailers made up to $61.5 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Louisiana is home to 9,541 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 368 consumers live in Louisiana.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Louisiana made an estimated $6.44 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Louisiana made $240,900.
  • 8.40% of Louisiana small businesses are retailers.

Maine Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Maine decreased 0.1% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Maine independent retailers made up to $19.9 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Maine is home to 3,847 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 298 consumers live in Maine.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Maine made an estimated $5.17 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Maine made $242,200.
  • 9.10% of Maine small businesses are retailers.

Maryland Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Maryland increased 1.2% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Maryland independent retailers made up to $73.3 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Maryland is home to 10,196 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 473 consumers live in Maryland.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Maryland made an estimated $7.19 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Maryland made $208,700.
  • 7.59% of Maryland small businesses are retailers.

Massachusetts Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Massachusetts increased 0.2% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Massachusetts independent retailers made up to $79.5 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Massachusetts is home to 14,680 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 386 consumers live in Massachusetts.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Massachusetts made an estimated $5.42 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Massachusetts made $207,600.
  • 8.41% of Massachusetts small businesses are retailers.

Michigan Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Michigan increased 5.3% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Michigan independent retailers made up to $103 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Michigan is home to 20,985 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 378 consumers live in Michigan.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Michigan made an estimated $4.90 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Michigan made $206,200.
  • 9.40% of Michigan small businesses are retailers.

Minnesota Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Minnesota increased 1.0% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Minnesota independent retailers made up to $57.8 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Minnesota is home to 10,790 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 411 consumers live in Minnesota.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Minnesota made an estimated $5.35 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Minnesota made $200,300.
  • 9.60% of Minnesota small businesses are retailers.

Mississippi Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Mississippi decreased 2.3% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Mississippi independent retailers made up to $38.1 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Mississippi is home to 6,683 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 338 consumers live in Mississippi.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Mississippi made an estimated $5.70 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Mississippi made $260,700.
  • 9.73% of Mississippi small businesses are retailers.

Missouri Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Missouri increased 1.8% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Missouri independent retailers made up to $63.1 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Missouri is home to 11,370 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 424 consumers live in Missouri.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Missouri made $5.55 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Missouri made $209,600.
  • 9.82% of Missouri small businesses are retailers.

Montana Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Montana increased 1.3% in 2023.

  • The State of Montana does not collect retail sales tax.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Montana is home to 3,291 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 273 consumers live in Montana.
  • 9.58% of Montana small businesses are retailers.

Nebraska Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Nebraska increased 1.9% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Nebraska independent retailers made up to $27.0 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Nebraska is home to 4,218 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 355 consumers live in Nebraska.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Nebraska made an estimated $6.40 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Nebraska made $270,400.
  • 10.4% of Nebraska small businesses are retailers.

Nevada Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Nevada increased 1.7% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Nevada independent retailers made up to $46.4 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Nevada is home to 4,848 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 517 consumers live in Nevada.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Nevada made an estimated $9.56 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Nevada made $270,000.
  • 8.69% of Nevada small businesses are retailers.

New Hampshire Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in New Hampshire decreased 0.2% in 2023.

  • The State of New Hampshire does not collect retail sales tax.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, New Hampshire is home to 3,300 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 348 consumers live in New Hampshire.
  • 9.23% of New Hampshire small businesses are retailers.

New Jersey Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in New Jersey increased 2.2% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, New Jersey independent retailers made up to $104 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, New Jersey is home to 20,651 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 353 consumers live in New Jersey.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in New Jersey made an estimated $5.03 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in New Jersey made $198,800.
  • 8.24% of New Jersey small businesses are retailers.

New Mexico Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in New Mexico increased 0.5% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, New Mexico independent retailers made up to $41.1 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, New Mexico is home to 3,292 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 505 consumers live in New Mexico.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in New Mexico made an estimated $12.5 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in New Mexico made $472,800.
  • 9.01% of New Mexico small businesses are retailers.

New York Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in New York increased 3.9% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, New York independent retailers made up to $259 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, New York is home to 54,858 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 285 consumers live in New York.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in New York made an estimated $4.71 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in New York made $213,300.
  • 8.11% of New York small businesses are retailers.

North Carolina Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in North Carolina decreased 0.6% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, North Carolina independent retailers made up to $132 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, North Carolina is home to 19,520 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 435 consumers live in North Carolina.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in North Carolina made an estimated $6.77 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in North Carolina made $238,500.
  • 8.89% of North Carolina small businesses are retailers.

North Dakota Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in North Dakota increased 1.5% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, North Dakota independent retailers made up to $17.2 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, North Dakota is home to 1,905 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 315 consumers live in North Dakota.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in North Dakota made an estimated $9.03 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in North Dakota made $424,500.
  • 11.2% of North Dakota small businesses are retailers.

Ohio Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Ohio increased 1.8% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Ohio independent retailers made up to $149 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Ohio is home to 18,546 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 496 consumers live in Ohio.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Ohio made an estimated $8.04 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Ohio made $274,500.
  • 9.17% of Ohio small businesses are retailers.

Oklahoma Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Oklahoma decreased 0.8% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Oklahoma independent retailers made up to $44.3 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Oklahoma is home to 7,850 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 393 consumers live in Oklahoma.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Oklahoma made an estimated $5.64 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Oklahoma made $217,100.
  • 9.55% of Oklahoma small businesses are retailers.

Oregon Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Oregon increased 2.1% in 2023.

  • The State of Oregon does not collect retail sales tax.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Oregon is home to 8,960 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 380 consumers live in Oregon.
  • 8.97% of Oregon small businesses are retailers.

Pennsylvania Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Pennsylvania increased 0.2% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Pennsylvania independent retailers made up to $135 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Pennsylvania is home to 24,001 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 431 consumers live in Pennsylvania.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Pennsylvania made an estimated $5.62 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Pennsylvania made $226,900.
  • 9.77% of Pennsylvania small businesses are retailers.

Rhode Island Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Rhode Island increased 0.2% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Rhode Island independent retailers made up to $11.4 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Rhode Island is home to 2,433 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 367 consumers live in Rhode Island.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Rhode Island made an estimated $4.70 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Rhode Island made $197,900.
  • 7.80% of Rhode Island small businesses are retailers.

South Carolina Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in South Carolina decreased 2.0% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, South Carolina independent retailers made up to $43.9 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, South Carolina is home to 10,037 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 421 consumers live in South Carolina.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in South Carolina made an estimated $4.38 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in South Carolina made $167,000.
  • 9.31% of South Carolina small businesses are retailers.

South Dakota Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in South Dakota increased 4.7% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, South Dakota independent retailers made up to $19.1 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, South Dakota is home to 2,478 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 281 consumers live in South Dakota.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in South Dakota made an estimated $7.72 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in South Dakota made $388,800.
  • 12.1% of South Dakota small businesses are retailers.

Tennessee Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Tennessee remained constant in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Tennessee independent retailers made up to $107 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Tennessee is home to 13,030 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 426 consumers live in Tennessee.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Tennessee made an estimated $8.20 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Tennessee made $292,700.
  • 9.40% of Tennessee small businesses are retailers.

Texas Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Texas increased 0.7% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Texas independent retailers made up to $408 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Texas is home to 45,934 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 499 consumers live in Texas.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Texas made an estimated $8.89 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Texas made $235,200.
  • 8.46% of Texas small businesses are retailers.

Utah Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Utah increased 1.4% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Utah independent retailers made up to $52.2 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Utah is home to 6,986 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 356 consumers live in Utah.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Utah made an estimated $7.47 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Utah made $284,900.
  • 10.7% of Utah small businesses are retailers.

Vermont Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Vermont decreased 0.1% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Vermont independent retailers made up to $5.41 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Vermont is home to 1,987 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 268 consumers live in Vermont.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Vermont made an estimated $2.72 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Vermont made $128,300.
  • 9.43% of Vermont small businesses are retailers.

Virginia Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Virginia increased 0.8% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Virginia independent retailers made up to $90.7 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Virginia is home to 14,514 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 471 consumers live in Virginia.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Virginia made an estimated $6.25 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Virginia made $201,900.
  • 9.11% of Virginia small businesses are retailers.

Washington Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Washington increased 2.8% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Washington independent retailers made up to $180 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Washington is home to 13,605 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 453 consumers live in Washington.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Washington made an estimated $13.3 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Washington made $509,800.
  • 8.63% of Washington small businesses are retailers.

West Virginia Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in West Virginia increased 0.9% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, West Virginia independent retailers made up to $16.6 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, West Virginia is home to 2,825 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 502 consumers live in West Virginia.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in West Virginia made an estimated $5.86 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in West Virginia made $275,900.
  • 11.9% of West Virginia small businesses are retailers.

Wisconsin Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Wisconsin increased 0.6% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Wisconsin independent retailers made up to $79.8 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Wisconsin is home to 10,773 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 433 consumers live in Wisconsin.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Wisconsin made an estimated $7.41 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Wisconsin made $317,700.
  • 11.1% of Wisconsin small businesses are retailers.

Wyoming Local Shopping Statistics

Retail sales dollars in Wyoming decreased 0.5% in 2023.

  • Based on collected state sales tax and national small business estimates, Wyoming independent retailers made up to $12.2 billion in sales in 2023.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, Wyoming is home to 1,757 local retailers.
  • For every local retailer, 259 consumers live in Wyoming.
  • Excluding sole proprietorships, the average local retailer in Wyoming made an estimated $6.94 million in annual sales in 2023
  • Including sole proprietors, the average local retailer in Wyoming made $302,800.
  • 9.77% of Wyoming small businesses are retailers.


  1. Cox, Consumer Sentiment Survey
  2. Independent Retailer Month
  3. U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy
  4. U.S. Census Bureau
  5. Uberall
  6. Statista, Industry Overview
  7. National Retail Federation
  8. AT&T, The Big Impact of Shopping Small
  9. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey
  10. Institute for Local Self-Reliance