Highlights. Global online shopping revenue totaled $5.82 trillion in 2023; projections indicate that sales will reach $10.1 trillion by 2030.

  • American online spending totaled $1.24 trillion in 2023; projections indicate that online spending will exceed $2.5 trillion in 2030.
  • 2.64 billion people worldwide shopped online in 2023; 10.0%  were Americans.
  • 266 million Americans (79%) shop online.
  • Online shopping represents 19.4% of all retail sales worldwide as of 2023; in the U.S., online shopping represents 15.6% of retail revenue.

Bar Graph: Global Online Retail Sales in trillions from 2017 ($2.38) to 2023 ($5.82) with projections to 2030 ($10.1) according to the International Trade Administration and Statista

Online Shopping 2023 Statistics

In 2023, Americans spent a record average of $3.405 billion per day shopping online.

  • American online shoppers spent a total of $1.243 trillion in 2023.
  • Online shopping sales in the U.S. totaled $322.862 billion in the fourth fiscal quarter (Q4) of 2023, up 9.82% year-over-year. 
  • In the third quarter (Q3) of 2023, Americans spent $268.745 billion shopping online, up 9.64% year-over-year. 
  • In 2023 Q2, Americans spent $264.857 billion shopping online, up 8.52% year-over-year.
  • In 2023 Q1, Americans spent $247.176 billion shopping online, up 7.72% year-over-year.
  • Q4 2023 e-commerce revenue growth outpaced U.S. currency inflation by 193%.
  • As a share of total retail revenue, 2023 Q4 e-commerce was up 2.90% from its previous quarterly record in 2020 Q4 (16.6%).
U.S. Quarterly Online Shopping Revenue
Quarter Online Spending
(in billions)
Share of All Retail
2024 Q1 $268.12 15.6%
2023 Q4 $322.86 17.1%
2023 Q3 $268.75 14.8%
2023 Q2 $264.86 14.6%
2023 Q1 $247.18 14.8%
2022 Q4 $293.99 16.0%
2022 Q3 $245.11 13.8%
2022 Q2 $244.07 13.5%
2022 Q1 $229.47 14.2%
2021 Q4 $279.85 16.0%
2021 Q3 $224.76 13.8%
2021 Q2 $232.43 13.9%
2021 Q1 $213.99 14.7%
2020 Q4 $255.40 16.6%
2020 Q3 $204.81 14.1%
2020 Q2 $204.06 15.5%
2020 Q1 $146.49 11.7%
2019 Q4 $178.46 12.4%
2019 Q3 $138.66 10.2%
2019 Q2 $132.40 9.69%
2019 Q1 $121.58 9.88%

Global Online Shopping Statistics

Online shopping will generate over $10 trillion in annual revenue by 2030.

  • In 2024, online retail sales are expected to reach $6.33 trillion globally. 
  • Global online shopping sales revenue totaled $5.82 trillion in 2023. 
  • In 2023, global online shopping revenue increased by 10.0% from 2022.
  • Worldwide, online sales represented an estimated 19.4% of global retail sales in 2023, up 3.74% from 2022 (18.7%).
  • Projections indicate that, from 2023 to 2030, online shopping sales will increase at an average annual rate of 8.18%.
  • By 2030, online shopping will make up 25.3% of global retail sales.

Bar Graph: Total U.S. Online Retail Sales in billions from 2020 ($817) to 2023 ($1,243) according to the U.S. Census Bureau (Census) with projections to 2030 ($2,572)

U.S. Online Shopping Statistics

Online shopping in the United States makes up a smaller portion of the global market every year, in part due to increased internet accessibility worldwide.

  • In 2024, online retail spending in the U.S. is projected to total $1.374 trillion.
  • Online spending totaled $268.118 billion in 2024 Q1, up 8.47% YoY.
  • From 2022 to 2023. American online spending increased by 11.3% to $1.243 trillion. 
  • American online consumer spending surpassed $1.117 trillion in 2022.
  • U.S. online sales represented an estimated 21.4% of global online sales in 2023, up 1.15% from 2022 (21.1%).
  • 15.0% of 2023 retail sales were online, up from 13.9% in 2022.
  • Online shopping revenue in the average U.S. state was equivalent to $3,469 per capita in 2023.
  • The average American consumer spent $1,003 online in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2023. 
  • U.S. households spent an average of $2,408 online in 2023 Q4.

Bar Graph: Number of Online Shoppers Worldwide in billions from 2017 (1.66) to 2022 (2.56) with projections to 2027 (2.92) according to eMarketer

Online Shopping Growth Statistics

While growth has slowed in the United States, increased accessibility continues to boost global online shopping sales and activity.

  • Projections indicate the number of global online shoppers will exceed 2.95 billion in 2027.
  • Online shopping global market penetration increased by 3.26% from 2022 to 2023.
  • In 2022, online shopping’s global penetration increased by 3.27% from 2021.
  • Automotive and Food & Beverage products have the fastest year-over-year (YoY) online sales growth among all product categories in 2023, up 22.7% and 19.6%, respectively.
  • From 2023 to 2027, the Food & Beverage U.S. online market share will increase 22.1%, from 8.6% to 10.5% of all online sales.

Double Line Graph: Online Shopping Sales Growth in the U.S. and world from 2016 (11.6% in the U.S. and 19.2% worldwide) to 2023 (11.3% U.S. and 10.0% worldwide) with a spike in 2020 (34.1% U.S., 26.8% world) according to the U.S. Census Bureau and eMarketer Insider Intelligence with projections to 2027 (11.2% U.S, 7.44% world)

Online Holiday Shopping

Americans are most likely to shop online during the winter holiday season.

  • Americans spent a 16.0% larger share of their retail dollars online in the month of December 2023 (compared to the average over the rest of the year).
  • December 2008 holds the record for the largest monthly increase in online spending at 39.2%.
  • Americans spent up to $964 billion for the holidays in 2023.
  • The average American spends around $875 over the winter holiday season.

Bar Graph: U.S. Online Share of Fresh Produce Sales according to Information Resources, Inc.

Online Grocery Shopping Statistics

While Americans still prefer to shop in-store for groceries, online and hybrid grocery shopping increased significantly in 2020 and 2021.

  • Online consumers spend 17.3% more on ground beef than on any other fresh grocery item.
  • 19% of American consumers purchase most of their groceries online.
  • 20% of consumers purchase equal amounts of groceries online and in-store.
  • 2.4% of produce sold in the United States is purchased online.
  • Compared to 2020, the share of fresh produce purchased online increased 41.2% in 2021.

Bar Graph: U.S. Consumers Who Primarily Shop Online (as opposed to in-store or hybrid/no response) by share of total consumers from March 2023 (32%) to March 2024 (29%) according to Morning Consult

Online Consumer Statistics

Online shopping trends show that, while consumer habits change over time, growth is consistent.

  • In 2023, an estimated 2.64 billion people worldwide shopped online, up 3.13% YoY.
  • American consumers who prefer online shopping say convenience is the main reason they shop online.
  • Americans are most likely to buy their apparel and accessories online as opposed to in-store.
  • U.S. shoppers are also more likely to purchase home furnishings and consumer electronics online as opposed to in-store.
  • 33% of U.S. consumers bought shoes online over 12 months.
  • Furniture and home furnishing sales dollars account for 9.27% of all e-commerce sales.

Bar Graph: U.S. Share of Global Online Retail sales from 2017 (22.0%) to 2021 (20.5%) with projections to 2026 (20.9%) according to the U.S. Census Bureau & eMarketer

Online Shopping Demographics

Please note that this report generally conforms to terminology used in source data to identify shopper demographics.

  • Shoppers in high-income ($100K or more) households are 18.2% more likely to shop online than high-middle income ($50k to $99k) households.
  • 53% of male shoppers and 44% of female shoppers prefer to browse retail items online as opposed to in-store.
  • Among age groups, those born between 1981 and 1996 (often called ”Millennials”) are the most likely to shop online.
  • Shoppers born from 1992 to 2012 (”Generation Z”) are the most likely to use a hybrid method of shopping.

Bar Graph: U.S. Share of Global Online Shoppers from 2016 (13.8%) to 2022 (10.3%) according to the Census Bureau & eMarketer with estimates and projections to 2025 (9.71%)

Online Order Fulfillment Statistics

Fulfillment is a multi-billion dollar industry that, with package shipping and delivery, is a cornerstone of online shopping.

  • Consumers are 73% more likely to select ship-to-home over in-store pickup, the second-most popular fulfillment method.
  • 37% of consumers who order groceries online expect same-day fulfillment.
  • 26% of online shoppers reported shipping delays on products ordered over a 30-day period during the 2022 holiday shopping season.
  • Online consumers are 11.6% more likely to blame shipping delays on the fulfillment provider (instead of the brand or retailer).
  • Online shoppers are most likely to return items via mail; 48% of consumers making returns used this method over a 30-day period.
  • 44% of online returns over a 30-day period were returned via third-party drop-off while 30% were returned to a brick-and-mortar location.

Bar Graph: Historical U.S. Online Retail Sales in billions from 2009 ($236) to 2019 ($659) according to the U.S. Census Bureau

Online Retailer Statistics

With thousands of e-commerce websites, global and international markets are each dominated by a handful of major retailers.

  • Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer, with $138.9 billion in 2023 e-commerce sales.
  • JD.com or Jingdong Mall is the second largest global online retailer; 2023 e-commerce sales totaled $115.8 billion.
  • Americans spend 486% more on Amazon than they spend at the second-highest grossing U.S. online retailer.
  • Among U.S. online retailers, Amazon has a 37.6% market share.
Global Annual Shopping Revenue
Year Revenue
(in trillions)
YoY Growth
2023 $5.82 10.0%
2022 $5.29 6.29%
2021 $4.98 17.2%
2020 $4.25 26.8%
2019 $3.35 12.4%
2018 $2.98 25.2%
2017 $2.38 29.1%
2016 $1.85 19.2%
2015 $1.55 15.9%

Online vs. In-Store Shopping Statistics

The preference for in-store shopping typically increases during the summer months.

  • As of the first three (3) months of 2024, a monthly average of 47.3% of American consumers preferred to shop in-store.
  • 28.3% preferred to shop online while 24.3% preferred a hybrid method or had no preference.
  • Also during 2024, 36.0% of Americans opted to purchase their personal electronics online when possible.
  • 32.3% and 29.0% of American consumers preferred to purchase their apparel and beauty products online, respectively.
  • 22.7% of consumers preferred to purchase home furnishings and appliances online.
  • American shoppers are 6.25% more likely to purchase home goods online instead of in-store.

Pie Chart: Top 5 Online Retailers' U.S. Market Share according to Statista

Online Shopping COVID-19 Statistics

COVID-related lockdowns and quarantines increased consumers’ need to shop online.

  • The monthly record for online purchases as a percentage of total U.S.retail sales dollars was 17.1% in April 2020.
  • Online spending in the U.S. increased by 34.2% in 2020.
  • Between 2019 and 2020, produce sales online increased 142.9%.
  • 60% of global internet users shopped primarily online in 2020/21, up 13.2% from 2019.
  • In 2020, 90% of North American consumers shopped online, up 11.1%  from 2018.
U.S. Annual Online Shopping Revenue
Year Revenue
(in billions)
YoY Growth
2023 $1,242.9 11.27%
2022 $1,117.0 9.52%
2021 $1,019.9 15.32%
2020 $884.38 34.15%
2019 $659.25 12.72%
2018 $584.85 11.48%
2017 $524.64 12.21%
2016 $467.55 11.58%
2015 $419.01 11.17%
2014 $376.92 8.88%
2013 $346.18 5.33%
2012 $328.66 11.52%
2011 $294.70 11.84%
2010 $263.49 11.82%
2009 $235.63 2.79%
2008 $229.24 2.49%
2007 $223.68 10.60%
2006 $202.25 14.98%
2005 $175.90 14.10%
2004 $154.16 14.79%
2003 $134.30 9.89%
2002 $122.21 6.50%
2001 $114.75 0.84%
2000 $113.79 20.69%
1999 $94.28 17.41%
1998 $80.30 14.60%
1997 $70.07 14.66%
1996 $61.11 16.00%
1995 $52.68 12.00%

Pie Chart: U.S. Online Market Share by Product Category according to eMarketer Insider Intelligence

These data and insights were compiled by the Capital One Shopping team based on publicly available data.


  1. United States Census Bureau
  2. Congressional Research Service, Report: International Trade and E-Commerce
  3. eMarketer, Insider Intelligence
  4. Morning Consult, Retail & E-commerce
  5. National Retail Federation
  6. Information Resources, Inc., Fresh Produce in the Era of Inflation and Beyond
  7. Statista, Industry Overview
  8. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  9. ecommerceDB
  10. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, COVID-19 Boost to E-commerce Sustained into 2021