Highlights. Package thefts totaled 120 million in 2023, equivalent to one out of every 180 package deliveries.

  • Collectively, Americans lost $13.5 billion to package theft; the average stolen package was worth $112.30.
  • 14% or 1-in-7 Americans lost package deliveries to theft in 2022.
  • 33% of package theft victims have lost more than one parcel.
  • Suburban consumers are 50.3% more likely to be victimized than urban residents and seven (7) times more likely than rural dwellers.

Jump to a state: AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE |DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY

Pie Chart: Value of Stolen Packages in 2024; under $50 (33%), $50-$100 (37%), $101-$200 (19%), $201-$500 (7%), and over $500 (5%) according to Safewise

Nationwide Package Theft Statistics

Factoring in lost or otherwise undelivered shipments, parcel theft volumes can be difficult to track.

  • Over 33% of Americans had a package stolen in the past year.
  • 73% of Americans who have had a package stolen in the past experienced package theft in the past year.
  • 0.55% of package shipments were stolen in 2023.
  • Shipping costs lost to package thefts totaled $1.09 billion in 2023.
  • From 2022 to 2023, the share of packages stolen increased 0.33% year-over-year (YoY).
  • During this time period, shipping costs lost to package theft increased 0.05%.
  • 79% of package theft victims have more than one package stolen in the past 12 months. 
  • 31% of stolen packages were valued at over $100; 12% were worth over $200.
  • Estimated financial losses from package theft totaled $16 billion in 2023.
  • In 2024, 52% of Americans were worried about package theft.

Pie Chart: Share of Package Theft Victims, including Suburban (43%), Urban (42%), and Rural (14%) according to Chamber of Commerce

Package Theft Statistics by Locale

Suburban Americans are more likely to experience package theft than urban or rural dwellers.

  • In one year, suburbanites risk a 12.7% chance of parcel theft. 
  • Urbanites are at an 18.8% risk of package theft; rural living includes a 9.9% risk.
  • Compared to the average American, suburban residents are 10.6% less likely to have packages stolen.
  • Urbanites are 35.9% more likely to have packages stolen compared to the average American.
  • The rural population is 32.7% less likely to experience package theft at least once over a 12-month period.
  • Apartment residents are twice as likely to have a package stolen than people who live in houses.
Cities with the Highest Rate of Package Theft in 2024
Worst Metros for Package Theft Incidents per Capita Estimated Value of Stolen Packages (in millions)
Washington, D.C. 326 $231.6
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX 350 $151.2
Atlanta, GA 444 $154.5
Houston, TX 517 $207.4
Charlotte, NC 546 $152.5
Philadelphia, PA 561 $450.0
Boston, MA 568 $143.7
New York City, NY 593 $945.1
Chicago, IL 728 $261.9
Cleveland, OH 1,370 $132.6

Package Theft Prevention Statistics

Consumers and delivery services can minimize the risk of package theft.

  • The most common way consumers prevent package theft is to track the delivery process; 88% of online consumers monitor their packages en route.
  • 57% of consumers remain at home to receive a package delivery.
  • 46% of consumers have a camera to monitor package delivery.
  • 43% of consumers request delivery alerts (via text or email).
  • 20% of consumers have had their package delivered to an alternative address or pick-up point.
  • 14% of online consumers do not take any precautions to prevent home package theft. 
  • 17% of consumers have neighbors bring packages inside for them when they are not home. 
  • Only 3% of online shoppers use a service that delivers packages inside their home, such as Amazon Key. 
  • Among consumers with home security systems for package delivery monitoring, the average cost for their system was $143.45. 
  • 36% of consumers believe future AI technology advancements will help minimize package theft.

Pie Chart: U.S. Video Doorbell Market Share; Amazon Ring (40%), Google Nest (24%). & Other (36%) according to Business Wire

Doorbell Camera Statistics

Over 26 million or 20% of U.S. households currently use a video doorbell. 

  • 20% of consumers purchased a doorbell camera in 2023 to monitor package delivery.
  • 36% of American households using smart home technology have a video doorbell. 
  • 65% of video doorbell owners are very satisfied with the device.
  • 22% of victims had a doorbell camera installed when the package theft occurred. 
  • 38% of consumers do not believe doorbell cameras effectively deter porch piracy. 
  • An estimated 4.3% of households worldwide have a smart security camera; 3.2% use smart locks. 

Video Doorbell Market

40% of video doorbells used by U.S. households are Amazon’s Ring. 

  • Google’s Nest accounts for 24% of video doorbells in the U.S.
  • The Top 5 video doorbell brands worldwide are Ring, Skybell, Google Nest, Vivint, and ADT, accounting for 30% of the global market share. 
  • Ring accounts for an estimated 12% of all video doorbells worldwide.
  • Of the 3.5 million video doorbells sold by the Top 5 brands, 40% were Ring. 
  • From 2020 to 2021, the video doorbell market grew 63% to nearly 12 million units.

Pie Chart: Share of Package Theft Victims, including Single-family home (49%), Multi-unit (apartment, condo, etc.) (42%), and Other type of home (9%) according to Chamber of Commerce

Amazon Package Theft Protection

Amazon offers alternate secure delivery options for their customers.

  • Amazon Hub Lockers and Hub Counters provide a safe alternative to home delivery.
  • Amazon Hub Lockers are self-service kiosks where customers can pick up their packages using a six-digit code.
  • There are over 900 Hub Locker locations across the U.S.
  • Amazon Hub Counters allow customers to pick up packages from over 1,500 Rite Aid locations using a barcode provided by Amazon upon delivery. 
  • Key is an Amazon Prime program that allows delivery personnel to safely drop off packages inside a customer’s gate, garage, home, or vehicle using smart lock technology.

Pie Chart: Household Package Delivery Frequency according to Chamber of Commerce

Holiday Package Theft Statistics

Most consumers plan to have at least one home delivery during the holiday season.

  • 92% of consumers plan to place a holiday order for home delivery.
  • 10% of consumers have experienced package theft during the holiday season.
  • 66% of consumers expect package theft to increase after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
  • 37% of consumers know at least one victim of holiday season package theft.
  • 13% of consumers have a package containing a gift for someone else stolen.
  • 87% of holiday shoppers are concerned about theft of online purchases; 28% are extremely concerned.

Pie Chart: Package Theft Frequency by Carrier according to Safewise

Package Theft by Carrier

Package thieves may target packages based on the delivery carrier and perceived value. 

  • 33.2% of people reporting package theft have had an Amazon delivery stolen.
  • 18.3% of package theft victims have had a USPS delivery stolen.
  • 17.1% of package theft victims have had a FedEx delivery stolen.
  • 15.7% of package theft victims have had a UPS delivery stolen.
  • 6.9% of package theft victims have had a grocery delivery stolen; 3.7% have had a Hello Fresh delivery stolen.
  • Package thefts are estimated to increase by 40% the week following Amazon Prime Day.

Stacked Bar Graph: Package Theft Loss Recovery, replacement, refund and recovery outcomes according to Safewise

Post Package Theft Statistics

After experiencing a package theft, 57% of victims contact the seller and 57% contact the shipper. 

  • In 45% of package theft cases, the victim received a replacement item from the seller; 32% received a refund. 
  • 14% of package theft victims receive a refund from the carrier. 
  • 25% of package theft victims never receive a refund for the stolen items. 
  • 19% of victims captured the theft on video; 17% shared the video to alert neighbors.
  • 11% of people filed an insurance claim following a package theft.

U.S. Map: States Where Package Theft is a Felony according to Security.org

Package Theft Crime Statistics

Only 27% of package theft victims notify law enforcement. 

  • Package theft is a felony in Washington D.C. and eleven states: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas.
  • As of November 2024, three states have proposed laws to raise the crime of package theft from a misdemeanor to a felony: California, Minnesota, and New York.
  • Stealing mail or packages delivered by the US Postal Service is a felony in every state.
  • Proposed bill H.R. 6852, also called the Porch Pirates Act of 2022, would expand felony theft protection to all carriers if passed by Congress.
  • There is approximately a 1-in-3 chance that law enforcement will catch a reported package thief.

National Map: Population Reporting Package Theft within the last 12 months according to Security.org

Package Theft Statistics by State

State-level data is from 2024.

  • Most victims of package theft lived in California (16.5%) in 2024
  • 14% of District of Columbia residents were victims of package theft, making them the most likely to have their parcels stolen.
  • Packages stolen in Indiana and Mississippi had the highest median value at $250.
  • As many as 29.8% of Kentucky households experienced package theft.
  • People living in Connecticut, Michigan, and Utah were least likely to experience package theft over three months (1%).
  • Packages stolen in Oregon had the lowest median value at $25.
  • No more than 2.5% of households in Connecticut and Michigan experienced package theft over three months in 2024.

National Map: Median Value of Stolen Packages among those stolen in the last 12 months according to Security.org

Alabama Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.08% live in Alabama.

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in Alabama lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Alabama are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Alabama had a median value of $150 in 2024, 87.5% higher than the average among states.
  • 154,730 people in Alabama had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated  61,160 but no more than 7.59% of Alabama’s 2.04 million households.
  • 25% of people in Alabama are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Alaska Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.52% live in Alaska.

  • 10% or one out of every ten (10) people in Alaska lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Alaska are 150% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Alaska had a median value of $75 in 2024, 6.25% lower than the average among states.
  • 74,010 people in Alaska had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 27,720 but no more than 26.7% of Alaska’s 277,200 households.
  • 30% of people in Alaska are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Arizona Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 2.12% live in Arizona.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in Arizona lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Arizona are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Arizona had a median value of $72 in 2024, 10.0% lower than the average among states.
  • 303,300 people in Arizona had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 118,470 but no more than 10.2% of Arizona’s 2.96 million households.
  • 31% of people in Arizona are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Arkansas Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.86% live in Arkansas.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in Arkansas lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Arkansas are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Arkansas had a median value of $61 in 2024, 23.8% lower than the average among states.
  • 123,530 people in Arkansas had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 49,220 but no more than 10.0% of Arkansas’ 1.23 million households.
  • 21% of people in Arkansas are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

California Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 16.5% live in California.

  • 6% or one out of every 17 people in California lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in California are 50% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in California had a median value of $83 in 2024, 3.75% higher than the average among states.
  • 2.37 million people in California had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 818,640 but no more than 17.3% of California’s 13.6 million households.
  • 35% of people in California are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Colorado Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.25% live in Colorado.

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in Colorado lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Colorado are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Colorado had a median value of $87 in 2024, 8.75% higher than the average among states.
  • 178,720 people in Colorado had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 72,070 but no more than 7.44% of Colorado’s 2.40 million households.
  • 31% of people in Colorado are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Connecticut Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.26% live in Connecticut.

  • 1% or one out of every 100 people in Connecticut lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Connecticut are 75% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Connecticut had a median value of $28 in 2024, 65.0% lower than the average among states.
  • 36,750 people in Connecticut had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 14,820 but no more than 2.48% of Connecticut’s 1.48 million households.
  • 34% of people in Connecticut are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Delaware Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.44% live in Delaware.

  • 6% or one out of every 17 people in Delaware lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Delaware are 50% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Delaware had a median value of $200 in 2024, 150% higher than the average among states.
  • 63,120 people in Delaware had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 25,250 but no more than 15.0% of Delaware’s 420,770 households.
  • 36% of people in Delaware are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

District of Columbia Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.69% live in the District of Columbia.

  • 14% or one out of every seven (7) people in D.C. lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in D.C. are 250% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in D.C. had a median value of $200 in 2024, 150% higher than the average among states.
  • 98,320 people in D.C. had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 48,430 but no more than 28.4% of D.C.’s 345,940 households.
  • 49% of people in D.C. are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Florida Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 4.90% live in Florida.

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in Florida lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Florida are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Florida had a median value of $88 in 2024, 10.0% higher than the average among states.
  • 701,170 people in Florida had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 277,140 but no more than 7.59% of Florida’s 9.24 million households.
  • 25% of people in Florida are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Georgia Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.56% live in Georgia.

  • 2% or one out of every 50 people in Georgia lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Georgia are 50% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Georgia had a median value of $100 in 2024, 25.0% higher than the average among states.
  • 223,620 people in Georgia had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 84,380 but no more than 5.30% of Georgia’s 4.22 million households.
  • 30% of people in Georgia are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Hawaii Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.61% live in Hawaii.

  • 6% or one out of every 17 people in Hawaii lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Hawaii are 50% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Hawaii had a median value of $113 in 2024, 41.3% higher than the average among states.
  • 86,770 people in Hawaii had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 29,720 but no more than 17.5% of Hawaii’s 495,260 households.
  • 32% of people in Hawaii are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Idaho Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.42% live in Idaho.

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in Idaho lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Idaho are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Idaho had a median value of $225 in 2024, 181% higher than the average among states.
  • 60,050 people in Idaho had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 22,490 but no more than 8.01% of Idaho’s 749,670 households.
  • 23% of people in Idaho are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Illinois Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 3.56% live in Illinois.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in Illinois lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Illinois are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Illinois had a median value of $100 in 2024, 25% higher than the average among states.
  • 508,410 people in Illinois had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 202,550 but no more than 10.0% of Illinois’s 5.06 million households.
  • 28% of people in Illinois are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Indiana Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.45% live in Indiana.

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in Indiana lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Indiana are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Indiana had a median value of $250 in 2024, 213% higher than the average among states.
  • 207,730 people in Indiana had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 83,430 but no more than 7.47% of Indiana’s 2.78 million households.
  • 24% of people in Indiana are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Iowa Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 2.27% live in Iowa.

  • 10% or one out of every ten (10) people in Iowa lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Iowa are 150% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Iowa had a median value of $200 in 2024, 150% higher than the average among states.
  • 324,150 people in Iowa had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 135,060 but no more than 24.0% of Iowa’s 1.35 million households.
  • 22% of people in Iowa are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Kansas Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.04% live in Kansas.

  • 5% or one out of every 20 people in Kansas lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Kansas are 25% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Kansas had a median value of $60 in 2024, 25.0% lower than the average among states.
  • 148,530 people in Kansas had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 59,890 but no more than 12.4% of Kansas’s 1.20 million households.
  • 28% of people in Kansas are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Kentucky Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 3.85% live in Kentucky.

  • 12% or one out of every eight (8) people in Kentucky lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Kentucky are 200% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Kentucky had a median value of $78 in 2024, 2.50% lower than the average among states.
  • 550,600 people in Kentucky had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 222,020 but no more than 29.8% of Kentucky’s 1.85 million households.
  • 25% of people in Kentucky are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Louisiana Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.29% live in Louisiana.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in Louisiana lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Louisiana are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Louisiana had a median value of $55 in 2024, 31.3% lower than the average among states.
  • 183,910 people in Louisiana had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 71,840 but no more than 10.2% of Louisiana’s 1.80 million households.
  • 34% of people in Louisiana are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Maine Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.39% live in Maine.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in Maine lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Maine are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Maine had a median value of $75 in 2024, 6.25% lower than the average among states.
  • 56,200 people in Maine had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 24,540 but no more than 9.16% of Maine’s 613,540 households.
  • 21% of people in Maine are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Maryland Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.75% live in Maryland.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in Maryland lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Maryland are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Maryland had a median value of $35 in 2024, 56.3% lower than the average among states.
  • 250,530 people in Maryland had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 96,360 but no more than 10.4% of Maryland’s 2.41 million households.
  • 33% of people in Maryland are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Massachusetts Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.50% live in Massachusetts.

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in Massachusetts lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Massachusetts are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Massachusetts had a median value of $50 in 2024, 37.5% lower than the average among states.
  • 214,090 people in Massachusetts had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 87,030 but no more than 7.38% of Massachusetts’s 2.90 million households.
  • 15% of people in Massachusetts are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Michigan Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.71% live in Michigan.

  • 1% or one out of every 100 people in Michigan lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Michigan are 75% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Michigan had a median value of $80 in 2024, on par with the average among states.
  • 101,400 people in Michigan had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 41,390 but no more than 2.45% of Michigan’s 4.14 million households.
  • 20% of people in Michigan are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Minnesota Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.22% live in Minnesota.

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in Minnesota lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Minnesota are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Minnesota had a median value of $50 in 2024, 37.5% lower than the average among states.
  • 173,790 people in Minnesota had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 70,650 but no more than 7.38% of Minnesota’s 2.35 million households.
  • 26% of people in Minnesota are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Mississippi Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.82% live in Mississippi.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in Mississippi lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Mississippi are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Mississippi had a median value of $250 in 2024, 213% higher than the average among states.
  • 117,720 people in Mississippi had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 46,170 but no more than 10.2% of Mississippi’s 1.15 million households.
  • 41% of people in Mississippi are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Missouri Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.31% live in Missouri.  

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in Missouri lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Missouri are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Missouri had a median value of $38 in 2024, 52.5% lower than the average among states.
  • 187,360 people in Missouri had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 76,790 but no more than 7.32% of Missouri’s 2.56 million households.
  • 26% of people in Missouri are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Montana Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.32% live in Montana.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in Montana lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Montana are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Montana had a median value of $200 in 2024, 150% higher than the average among states.
  • 45,490 people in Montana had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 19,030 but no more than 9.56% of Montana’s 475,830 households.
  • 32% of people in Montana are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Nebraska Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.40% live in Nebraska.

  • 10% or one out of every ten (10) people in Nebraska lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Nebraska are 150% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Nebraska had a median value of $100 in 2024, 25.0% higher than the average among states.
  • 200,550 people in Nebraska had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 81,520 but no more than 24.6% of Nebraska’s 815,230 households.
  • 30% of people in Nebraska are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Nevada Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.60% live in Nevada.

  • 7% or one out of every 14 people in Nevada lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Nevada are 75% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Nevada had a median value of $68 in 2024, 15.0% lower than the average among states.
  • 228,720 people in Nevada had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 86,640 but no more than 18.5% of Nevada’s 1.24 million households.
  • 33% of people in Nevada are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

New Hampshire Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.39% live in New Hampshire.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in New Hampshire lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in New Hampshire are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in New Hampshire had a median value of $95 in 2024, 18.8% higher than the average among states.
  • 56,360 people in New Hampshire had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 22,910 but no more than 9.84% of New Hampshire’s 572,780 households.
  • 24% of people in New Hampshire are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

New Jersey Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.33% live in New Jersey.

  • 2% or one out of every 50 people in New Jersey lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in New Jersey are 50% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in New Jersey had a median value of $150 in 2024, 87.5% higher than the average among states.
  • 190,020 people in New Jersey had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 71,980 but no more than 5.28% of New Jersey’s 3.60 million households.
  • 21% of people in New Jersey are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

New Mexico Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.60% live in New Mexico.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in New Mexico lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in New Mexico are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in New Mexico had a median value of $86 in 2024, 7.50% higher than the average among states.
  • 85,210 people in New Mexico had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 33,420 but no more than 10.2% of New Mexico’s 835,390 households.
  • 35% of people in New Mexico are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

New York Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 8.34% live in New York.

  • 6% or one out of every 17 people in New York lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in New York are 50% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in New York had a median value of $50 in 2024, 37.5% lower than the average among states.
  • 1.19 million people in New York had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 467,460 but no more than 15.3% of New York’s 7.79 million households.
  • 32% of people in New York are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

North Carolina Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 2.32% live in North Carolina.

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in North Carolina lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in North Carolina are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in North Carolina had a median value of $125 in 2024, 56.3% higher than the average among states.
  • 331,380 people in North Carolina had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 133,620 but no more than 7.44% of North Carolina’s 4.45 million households.
  • 28% of people in North Carolina are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

North Dakota Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.61% live in North Dakota.

  • 11% or one out of every nine (9) people in North Dakota lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in North Dakota are 175% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in North Dakota had a median value of $63 in 2024, 21.3% lower than the average among states.
  • 87,620 people in North Dakota had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 37,450 but no more than 25.7% of North Dakota’s 340,410 households.
  • 31% of people in North Dakota are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Ohio Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.66% live in Ohio.

  • 2% or one out of every 50 people in Ohio lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Ohio are 50% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Ohio had a median value of $123 in 2024, 53.8% higher than the average among states.
  • 237,670 people in Ohio had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 99,030 but no more than 4.80% of Ohio’s 4.95 million households.
  • 19% of people in Ohio are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Oklahoma Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.57% live in Oklahoma.

  • 2% or one out of every 50 people in Oklahoma lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Oklahoma are 50% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Oklahoma had a median value of $143 in 2024, 78.8% higher than the average among states.
  • 81,910 people in Oklahoma had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 32,370 but no more than 5.06% of Oklahoma’s 1.62 million households.
  • 37% of people in Oklahoma are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Oregon Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.90% live in Oregon.

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in Oregon lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Oregon are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Oregon had a median value of $25 in 2024, 68.8% lower than the average among states.
  • 128,170 people in Oregon had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 52,100 but no more than 7.38% of Oregon’s 1.74 million households.
  • 24% of people in Oregon are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Pennsylvania Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 4.57% live in Pennsylvania.

  • 5% or one out of every 20 people in Pennsylvania lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Pennsylvania are 25% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Pennsylvania had a median value of $75 in 2024, 6.25% lower than the average among states.
  • 653,940 people in Pennsylvania had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 270,220 but no more than 12.1% of Pennsylvania’s 5.40 million households.
  • 24% of people in Pennsylvania are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Rhode Island Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.39% live in Rhode Island.

  • 5% or one out of every 20 people in Rhode Island lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Rhode Island are 25% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Rhode Island had a median value of $113 in 2024, 41.3% higher than the average among states.
  • 55,620 people in Rhode Island had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 22,890 but no more than 12.2% of Rhode Island’s 457,740 households.
  • 30% of people in Rhode Island are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

South Carolina Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.15% live in South Carolina.

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in South Carolina lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in South Carolina are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in South Carolina had a median value of $50 in 2024, 37.5% lower than the average among states.
  • 164,360 people in South Carolina had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 66,540 but no more than 7.41% of South Carolina’s 2.22 million households.
  • 24% of people in South Carolina are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

South Dakota Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.19% live in South Dakota.

  • 3% or one out of every 33 people in South Dakota lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in South Dakota are 25% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in South Dakota had a median value of $163 in 2024, 104% higher than the average among states.
  • 27,740 people in South Dakota had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 11,370 but no more than 7.32% of South Dakota’s 378,960 households.
  • 25% of people in South Dakota are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Tennessee Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.01% live in Tennessee.

  • 2% or one out of every 50 people in Tennessee lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Tennessee are 50% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Tennessee had a median value of $75 in 2024, 6.25% lower than the average among states.
  • 144,560 people in Tennessee had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 57,820 but no more than 5.00% of Tennessee’s 2.89 million households.
  • 27% of people in Tennessee are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Texas Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 10.9% live in Texas.

  • 5% or one out of every 20 people in Texas lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Texas are 25% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Texas had a median value of $100 in 2024, 25.0% higher than the average among states.
  • 1.56 million people in Texas had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 573,090 but no more than 13.7% of Texas’s 11.5 million households.
  • 33% of people in Texas are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Utah Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.25% live in Utah.

  • 1% or one out of every 100 people in Utah lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Utah are 75% less likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Utah had a median value of $75 in 2024, 6.25% lower than the average among states.
  • 35,040 people in Utah had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 11,530 but no more than 3.04% of Utah’s 1.15 million households.
  • 30% of people in Utah are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Vermont Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.41% live in Vermont.

  • 9% or one out of every 11 people in Vermont lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Vermont are 125% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Vermont had a median value of $113 in 2024, 41.3% higher than the average among states.
  • 58,360 people in Vermont had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 25,050 but no more than 21.0% of Vermont’s 278,320 households.
  • 24% of people in Vermont are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Virginia Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 3.70% live in Virginia.

  • 6% or one out of every 17 people in Virginia lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Virginia are 50% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Virginia had a median value of $65 in 2024, 18.8% lower than the average among states.
  • 528,670 people in Virginia had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 207,320 but no more than 15.3% of Virginia’s 3.46 million households.
  • 26% of people in Virginia are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Washington Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 2.23% live in Washington.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in Washington lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Washington are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Washington had a median value of $75 in 2024, 6.25% lower than the average among states.
  • 318,330 people in Washington had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 125,820 but no more than 10.1% of Washington’s 3.15 million households.
  • 26% of people in Washington are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

West Virginia Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.87% live in West Virginia.

  • 7% or one out of every 14 people in West Virginia lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in West Virginia are 75% more likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in West Virginia had a median value of $100 in 2024, 25.0% higher than the average among states.
  • 123,900 people in West Virginia had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 50,990 but no more than 17.0% of West Virginia’s 728,390 households.
  • 26% of people in West Virginia are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Wisconsin Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 1.67% live in Wisconsin.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in Wisconsin lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Wisconsin are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Wisconsin had a median value of $45 in 2024, 43.8% lower than the average among states.
  • 238,440 people in Wisconsin had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 100,610 but no more than 9.48% of Wisconsin’s 2.52 million households.
  • 18% of people in Wisconsin are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

Wyoming Package Theft Statistics

Among nationwide victims of package theft, 0.16% live in Wyoming.

  • 4% or one out of every 25 people in Wyoming lose at least one package to theft every three months.
  • People in Wyoming are equally likely to experience package theft than the average American.
  • Packages stolen in Wyoming had a median value of $182 in 2024, 128% higher than the average among states.
  • 23,500 people in Wyoming had at least one package stolen over three months in 2024.
  • Package theft affected at least an estimated 9,750 but no more than 9.64% of Wyoming’s 243,820 households.
  • 25% of people in Wyoming are highly concerned about holiday package theft.

These data and insights were compiled by the Capital One Shopping team based on publicly available data.


  1. C+R Research, Emerge Smarter
  2. Security.org, Package Theft Annual Report
  3. Pitney Bowes, Annual Parcel Shipping Index
  4. Safewise, Worst Metro Cities for Package Theft
  5. U.S. Census Bureau, National Population by Characteristic 
  6. Statista, Markets 
  7. Chamber of Commerce, Package Theft Statistics: 2023 Report
  8. IoT Evolution, 20% of American Households Now Have a Smart Video Doorbell 
  9. Congress.gov, H.R.6852 – Porch Pirates Act of 2022 

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