Highlights. Over 1 billion voice searches are made every month; monthly voice search volume is projected to reach 2 billion in 2024. 

  • In 2024, voice shopping consumers will spend an estimated $39.8 billion worldwide.
  • 49% of U.S. consumers use voice search for shopping (127.4 million Americans). 
  • 58% of all consumers use voice search to learn about local small businesses; 32% use voice search to make direct purchases.
  • 62% of smart speaker users plan to make a purchase using their device’s voice-enabled shopping in the next month. 
  • 8.4 billion digital voice assistant units are active worldwide in 2024; by 2027, there will be 14.1 billion.
  • The value of voice-assisted sales increased 321.7% over two years for a 105.4% compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

Bar Graph: Voice Shopping Revenue Worldwide in billions from 2021 ($4.60), 2022 ($9.45), 2023 ($19.4), 2024 ($39.8) and 2025 ($81.8) according to Statista

Voice Commerce Statistics

Most consumers use voice shopping for some part of the retail buying process, whether it’s searching, browsing, submitting payment, etc.

  • 74% of consumers using voice-based artificial intelligence (AI) have completed some part of the retail buying process with a conversational voice assistant.
  • 88.4% of voice assistant users interface primarily on their smartphones.
  • 71% of consumers prefer using voice search to manually entering queries.
  • Voice shopping will drive 30% of e-commerce revenue by 2030.
  • Consumers are 2.63% more likely to make a retail purchase using voice shopping than they are using social media shopping.
  • 11.4% of consumers admit to making impulsive purchases using voice shopping.

Bar Graph: U.S. Selected Consumer Voice Search Uses including find local business hours (46%), check local business stock (40%), and buy direct from business (35%) according to PR Newswire

Local Voice Commerce Statistics

Voice shopping isn’t just for big businesses; most consumers (58%) find small and local businesses through voice search.

  • 46% of consumers use voice search to find local and small business prices.
  • 41% of consumers use voice search to find grocery stores.
  • 40% of consumers use voice search to find out what items a business has in stock.
  • 32% of consumers use voice search to search for clothing stores.
  • 27% of consumers visit a local or small business’ website after finding them on voice search.
  • 46% of voice search users (26.7% of all consumers) look up local businesses daily using their voice-enabled device.
  • 28% of voice search users (16.2% of all consumers) use voice search to find local businesses on a weekly basis.

Bar Graph: U.S. Selected Consumer Voice Search Topics including weather (75%), music (71%), entertainment (62%), retail (54%), restaurants & delivery (52%) and packaged goods (49%) according to Statista

Voice Shopping Consumer Statistics

Most voice-assisted shoppers use the technology for its speed and convenience.

  • 49% of voice shopping consumers use a voice assistant because it’s easier.
  • 44% of voice shopping consumers find shopping with a voice assistant faster.
  • In 2022, 33% of voice shopping consumers said novelty was at least one reason why they tried voice shopping.
  • 31% of voice shoppers use their voice assistant AI to multi-task while shopping.
  • 25% of voice shoppers automate their purchases with a voice assistant.

Bar Chart: U.S. Smartphone Voice Assistant Users in millions from 2022 (125.5), 2023, (129.1), 2024 (132.9) 2025 (136.7), 2026 (140.4) and 2027 (144.5) according to Statista and eMarketer

Voice Shopping Consumer Demographics

Younger consumers are more likely to be voice shoppers or use voice-based interfaces as some part of the shopping experience.

  • 76% of consumers aged 18 to 34 years use voice search to locate information about local and small businesses.
  • 15% of 18- to 34-year-olds have not tried voice shopping locally but plan to while 9% have no plans to do so.
  • 64% of 35- to 54-year-olds use voice search to find local small businesses.
  • 24% of 35- to 54-year-olds have not tried voice shopping locally but plan to while 12% have no plans to do so.
  • 37% of consumers aged 55 years and older use voice search to learn about local businesses.
  • 33% of 35- to 54-year-olds have not tried voice shopping locally but plan to while 30% have no plans to do so.

Bar Graph: Smart TV Voice Shopping Revenue Worldwide in millions from 2021 ($126), 2022 ($251), 2023 ($500), 2024 ($996) and 2025 ($1,984) according to Statista

Voice Shopping Device Statistics

Smartphones, smart speakers, and other voice-enabled devices have voice shopping capabilities.

  • 60% of online consumers in the U.S. have bought products using a smart home voice assistant.
  • 34.2 million American smart speaker owners use their device to voice shop in 2024.
  • Over 14% of U.S. digital consumers use smart speakers to voice shop.
  • 44% of smart speaker users order household items, such as groceries, on a weekly basis with their device.
  • 8.9 million smart speaker shoppers used their device to purchase health & beauty products over a 2-year period (2019-2021).
  • 8.8 million U.S. consumers used smart speakers to voice shop for electronics over the same 2-year period.
  • 8.5 million consumers used smart speakers to voice shop for household supplies.

Bar Chart: Digital Voice Assistants Worldwide in billions from 2019 (3.25) to 2023 (7.06) with projections from 2024 (8.40) according to Statista through 2027 (14.1)

Voice AI Statistics

A voice-based AI assistant is how consumers interface and shop with most voice-enabled devices.

  • There were 145.1 million U.S. consumers using voice assistants at the end of 2023.
  • Google Assistant was the most popular voice AI in 2023 with 85.4 million users in the U.S.
  • Also in 2023, Apple’s Siri had 81.1 million U.S. users and Amazon’s Alexa had 73.7 million users.
  • In 2019, 23 of the 100 top consumer product and retail companies used voice assistants to interface with consumers.

Bar Graph: Number of U.S. Smart Speaker Shoppers in millions from 2017 (12.3) to 2023 (41.1) according to eMarketer with projections from 2024 (47.8) 2027 (69.4)

Voice-Enabled Device Statistics

Consumers are most likely to use their voice-enabled devices to search for weather, music, and news; shopping is the 5th most popular activity.

  • Statistics indicate there were 584.8 million voice-enabled smart speaker devices in homes across the United States by the end of 2023.
  • There were 87.7 million smart speakers installed in the U.S. in January 2020.
  • 68.2% of American smart speaker consumers use Echo with AI assistant Alexa.
  • Consumers have purchased an estimated 406 million Echo units since 2014.
  • 75% of voice search consumers use their voice-enabled device to search for weather.

Bar Graph: Conversational Shopping Revenue Worldwide in billions from 2021 ($41), 2022 ($67), 2023 ($109), 2024 ($178) and 2025 ($290) according to Statista

Conversational Commerce Statistics

Voice shopping combined with AI and live chat, including messenger apps.

  • Global consumers will spend $178 billion via conversational commerce channels in 2024.
  • Consumer spending via conversational commerce increases by over 60% annually.
  • In 2023, the conversational commerce industry was valued at $347.5 billion.
  • Projections indicate conversational commerce will be worth $1 trillion by 2028.

Bar Graph: Voice-Only Share of Conversational Shopping Revenue fro 2021 (11.22%), 2022 (14.1%), 2023 (17.8%), 2024 (22.38%) and 2025 (28.21%)

The Capital One Shopping team compiled these data and insights based on publicly available data.


  1. Insider Intelligence, eMarketer
  2. Capgemini Research Institute, Smart Talk
  3. Statista, Industry Overview
  4. Think with Google
  5. PR Newswire, News Releases
  6. Forbes, Advisor
  7. EarthWeb, How Many People Use Alexa in 2024? 
  8. Census, National Population by Characteristics